Good Morning Beautiful People



A Little Stars Birthday….

This morning I am awake early once again to pray my daily prayers and to petition the King of King’s for everything that is on my heart for  today. My mind wanders a bit as today is my second grandson’s birthday. Three years ago today the world changed again as this little world changer made his debut. I thought about the post I wrote months ago now about making us fisher’s of men and used his sweet little picture.

I recollected just a short time ago, actually it was the evening after Memorial Day, I went to my daughter and son in law’s home for a barbecue. As we were finishing our time together and I was reading them a story and praying with them before bed, little Evan piped up and asked Grammy who is Jesus? In as simple words I could find, I told him how Jesus lives in the heart of man. His big brother now 6 piped up and told him that Jesus lived in his heart and that night little Evan asked Him in his.  It brought tears to my eyes.

I thought about the Memorial Day Post I wrote and attached Evan singing Have A Beautiful Day from when he was barely 2. Memories are precious aren’t they?  I always wanted my children and grandchildren to have so much more than I had, but I have discovered on the journey it isn’t material things. Yes, I like to buy them gifts, but the greatest gift I could ever give them is to teach them about Jesus.

Friday night I took them shopping to discover what Evan would like for his Birthday. We spent hours looking through the toy section, as I watched them trying on cowboy hats, waving swords and discovering Spiderman is a favorite. He put everything right back in it’s original place and was happy just looking and trying it out. This is so different for me as I raised three very girly girls. Frilly dresses, anklets, dolls and such filled our home. Memories, they truly do last a lifetime.   I went back to the store alone yesterday and made my purchase (a Spiderman tackle box). It seemed the most appropriate as he likes to fish with his dad and big brother. Somehow I just know he is a fisher of men.

I need to cut todays post short as I need to make my way to West Chapman to cook Mr. Evan blueberry pancakes for his third Birthday before attending church this morning. So as little Evan sings it…… Have A Beautiful Daaaaaaaaaay!!!

Evan Fishing

Children are a gift from God.

(Psalm 127:3)







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