Good Morning Beautiful People



Some Days You Just Need To Laugh…

Good Morning Beautiful People.  I rise early to pray this morning and write my daily post. I just begin to laugh out loud as I try to put some thoughts together between the hot flashes. A week or so ago I told a co-worker, I was going to write a post and call it God are You Bigger than Menopause? Then I thought, gee, I might as well as spill my guts and ask it all. God are you bigger than divorce and by the way God, when is the house going to sell?

I always tell people they can be real in their prayer life with God, as he knows it all anyway. There is nothing hidden from him, no nothing. I already know the answer to these questions. However, I’m human and I like when he answers a little more speedily. He answers in his time and I’ve learned it isn’t always as quick as going through the drive thru.

 Yes, God is bigger than menopause. Yes, I will make it through tears and laughter in the same five minutes. Being 29 isn’t all it’s cracked up to be (laugh out loud). Yes, God is bigger than divorce. He hates divorce as he knows how hard it is on families. Life goes on and he continues to put the broken pieces of each of our lives back together again. Yes, God has a buyer for the home. He knows the right time, the right family, the right price, he knows it all. It will all happen on the right day.

It really all comes down to this one word TRUST….So, I guess that should be the title of the post Do We Trust Him…Hmmm…Sometimes, I find myself asking him to forgive my unbelief.

Today, no matter what you are going through, make a choice to enjoy the day you have been given. Life isn’t always easy and the wait for the answer is sometimes longer than we like. Today, take this scripture and deposit it in your bank. That bank is your memory bank beautiful people.

 Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Have a Blessed Day, laugh out loud, do a kind deed and Believe the Word of the Lord.



  1. Awesome post Angel girl! It made me laugh and agree with you that Amen, He is greater than all theses and His timing is impeccable! I love you sweet Godwoman. Xooxox I miss you more than words can express.

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