American Values, End of Day, with Gary Bauer: Racism, Sin And America; Stop Importing Hate; What Two-State Solution?



Friday, June 19, 2015

From: Gary L. Bauer

Gary Bauer

Racism, Sin & America

There are new reports today on what motivated Dylann Roof to carry out his murderous rampage in Charleston, South Carolina. He reportedly plotted this attack for six months and hoped to start a race war. This thug (yes, that is exactly what he is) with a drug-addled brain embraced a particular evil, the undeniable sin of racism.

In recent years, the phrase has been thrown around in a cheapened way. If you disagreed with Obamacare you were racist. If you supported the Tea Party you were racist. No, it isn’t racist to disagree robustly with the politics of a president, regardless of his race.

But, if you go into a historic black church and shoot black people because they are black, that is racism and I condemn it. All good people condemn it.

Of course, without missing a beat, the left immediately attempted to exploit this tragedy. President Obama called for more restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. Some suggested a culture of hate still permeates the South.

Yes, South Carolina has a troubled history. But just look at the reaction. Roof didn’t get his race war. South Carolinians were mortified by his actions and many rallied to the aid of his victims. What Roof intended for evil, God will turn to His good.

It is totally inappropriate to condemn the people of South Carolina or suggest that there is something about South Carolina that caused this attack. And thank God Roof will be prosecuted in a state that still has death penalty.

What could society have done that would have prevented what happened? I don’t really know of any law that could be passed that would have stopped Dylann Roof. There will always be marginal people filled with hate in every society. Some have suggested that if anyone inside the church had been armed, perhaps they could have stopped Roof. Perhaps.

In recent years, we have been told that we must have a national conservation about race or a national conversation about guns or national conversation about poverty. Why aren’t we having a national conversation about God?

If more Americans were embracing Judeo-Christian values, I have no doubt that there would be fewer heinous crimes like this. Unfortunately, we live in a society that is celebrating the news that Americans are becoming less religious.

Yes, all the victims of Wednesday night’s carnage were black. They were also all Christians. Certainly, Dylann Roof was not a Christian. Not one press account I have read indicates that he went in there screaming, “Jesus Is Lord!”

This afternoon, I spoke to the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s annual conference. (We will post my address on our Facebook page shortly.)

I put aside my planned remarks. I had some good applause lines planned. Instead I told the audience that none of the candidates they heard from will turn America around unless America turns back to God and to the values that made us a “shining city upon a hill.”

Stop Importing Hate

Here’s one thing we should have a national conversation about: Why we are importing hate.

Roof was born here, and every society has its rotten apples to contend with. But the evidence is mounting that we have not one crazed murderer like Roof, but perhaps hundreds. Every day seems to bring another story about a teenager or young adult in America yearning to join ISIS, a group that makes headlines for beheading Christians.

Again, we need to be having a national conversation about our values and why it is important to defend them.

Repeated studies have found that the sin of anti-Semitism has tentacles extending deep into the Muslim world. And yet we are importing into the United States hundreds of thousands of Muslims, knowing but never talking about the fact that significant percentages are infected with the most ancient evil of all — anti-Semitism.

It is true that the percentage of Muslims willing to commit acts of terrorism in the name of Allah is small. But it is also true that many in the Islamic world harbor deep seated anti-Semitic beliefs and buy into 9/11 conspiracy theories. Why are we bringing that kind of hate into America?

What Two-State Solution?

While President Obama and other world leaders continue to try to force Israel to surrender more land for peace by pushing their misguided “two-state solution,” the Palestinians continue to make it clear that they are not interested in peace with Israel or even a piece of Israel.

This week, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rejected a resolution France is proposing at the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state based on the borders that existed in 1967 and compensation for Palestinian refugees. Why would Abbas reject that?

Because the resolution also recognizes Israel as a Jewish state, something Abbas adamantly refuses to do. Talk about bigotry. There are dozens of Islamic states all over the world and nobody questions their status as such. Yet Abbas refuses to recognize even one tiny Jewish nation.

But the real issue is that by recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, it prevents Abbas from demographically swamping Israel with millions of so-called Palestinian refugees. Such a move would almost instantaneously transform Israel into an Arab-Muslim nation, at which point the nation of Israel would cease to exist. And that is Abbas’ final solution.


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