Albuquerque Protests Hillary Clinton’s Arrival


By Bud Shaver,

Hillary Clinton was in Albuquerque, NM today Wednesday June 3, 2015 for a campaign “Breakfast” fundraiser, the cost for having breakfast with the presidential candidate… $2,700!

The Santa Fe New Mexican reports, “The huevos rancheros won’t be cheap. Admission to the breakfast is $2,700 — the maximum amount someone can contribute to a presidential campaign, according to federal law. ‘Instead of answering serious questions about a record of scandal, including foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton continues to opt for closed-door fundraisers and staged campaign events full of vetted supporters,’ state GOP Chairwoman Debbie Maestas said in statement through a spokesman.”

Pastor Dewey Moede founder of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries- FGGAM was appalled by Hillary Clinton charging such exorbitant fees for breakfast with the presidential candidate stating, “$2,700 is more than what the average New Mexican makes in a month!”

Well Protest ABQ was there and although Hillary wasn’t taking any questions she heard local Albuquerque residents concerns, loud and clear!


Protest ABQ reported on location, “She came, she saw…Hillary was PROTESTED!”

11402684_893001067485115_4279073282338001940_nFr. Stephen Imbarrato, Founder of Protest ABQ Now a full-time pro-life Priest with Priests for Life

Their signs showed the victims of abortion and the barbaric reality of Late-Term Abortion. Other signs stated,

“Hillary Clinton Supports
Late Term Abortion”

“Hillary Clinton Supports
Killing Children”

11351331_893000927485129_5893248941566551428_nPastor Manny Lardizabal back in Albuquerque after his recent encouraging trip to Washington D.C.!

(More pictures of the protest are available here)

New Mexico is home to the largest late-term abortion “Killing Center” in the world outside of communist China! In fact, Albuquerque is now known nationally as the Late-Term Abortion Capital of America due to the fact that women travel from all across the country…and the WORLD to have late-term abortions that are illegal where they live.

Concerned New Mexicans do not want their state to be the Late-Term abortion destination of the WORLD. It is more obvious than ever after the last legislative session in New Mexico that New Mexicans want to see an end to late-term abortions.

Hillary Clinton is an establishment candidate for the Democrats who will do nothing to change the status quo in fact, Hillary is a champion of…abortion on demand and without apology!

Recently reported on the U.S. House passing a national ban on late-term abortion, “No sooner did the House of Representatives pass a bill to protect babies from late-term abortions and ban them after 20 weeks the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fired off a statement slamming them for doing so.

“Politicians should not interfere with personal medical decisions, which should be left to a woman, her family and her faith, in consultation with her doctor or health care provider,” Clinton’s senior policy adviser Maya Harris said in a statement on her behalf.

“This bill is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, which has protected a woman’s constitutional right to privacy for over forty years,” the Clinton campaign said. “The bill puts women’s health and rights at risk, undermines the role doctors play in health care decisions, burdens survivors of sexual assault, and is not based on sound science.”

“It also follows a dangerous trend we are witnessing across the country. In just the first three months of 2015, more than 300 bills have been introduced in state legislatures — on top of the nearly 30 measures introduced in Congress — that restrict access to abortion,” the Clinton spokeswoman added.”

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton sent out a tweet opposing the late-term abortion ban and supporting Roe v. Wade, which allowed for virtually unlimited abortions up to the day of birth in the United States.

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Well New Mexicans may not have gotten the opportunity to actually meet Hillary Clinton as she popped in to Albuquerque to raise some fast cash. New Mexicans however, did get to formally greet her and what was their message to the presidential candidate…?

“Hillary Go Home”



Bud Shaver is the Executive Director of Protest ABQ: Protest ABQ is a peaceful awareness campaign launched to educate and stand against the injustice of abortion through a strategic and sustained presence. Protest ABQ strives to educate Albuquerque and New Mexico residents on what abortion really is and what it looks like. While Protest ABQ is opposed to abortion and seeks the reversal of Roe v. Wade and its progeny, Protest ABQ acknowledges that it must do all it can to protect the lives, health, and safety of vulnerable women who are subjected to an abortion and to protect and preserve the life of the unborn child.

To get involved with Protest ABQ click here.

Here is more coverage of today’s protest of Hillary Clinton: Hillary Clinton greeted with graphic abortion victim pics at ABQ fundraiser


  1. I pray that New Mexicans continue to take a stand against Hillary Clinton and others like her. I pray that we begin to stand for righteousness and not for our political prejudices.

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