Remembering My Mom

Remembering my Mom

She could identify with Martha in Luke 10:38-42 who was “worried and bothered about many things‘, however, she did have time for her Lord Jesus.  My Mom just felt that all the fixin’s ought to be done quickly so as not to distract from the business at hand, learning about following Jesus.  Many a time I was on my last bite of food as my plate journeyed to the dish washing basin where she labored so we could get on over to the church building.

She was a worrier just like this Martha in the Bible.  She always wanted to know who I was with, where I was going, how long I planned to stay and what time I would be back.  Shucks, I couldn’t have gotten into trouble if I wanted to.  She had a sixth sense of mischievousness and trouble as far as I was concerned.  If she wasn’t worrying about me, my sister or my Dad she would take up the crusade for others.

She was the travel agent who arranged doctor visits for all of us including my grandparents and neighbors.  She was the “Fed Ex” for prescriptions and supplies in our neighborhood and church family.  I cannot count the number of strawberry and chocolate cakes that ended up on some other family’s table as this Christian chef, my mom, felt led to share with others at their time of need.
Oh, she did worry and fret.  That is an understatement.  But, serving and helping others were her middle names.  She sang, played the piano and organ at church, plus coordinated those sandwiches for our monthly old time sing rallies in southern Louisiana while serving as the Grand Central Information center at our home on Patrick Street.
BUT, there is one thing that outshines all of this.  Whenever I told my Mom that the Lord was calling me to a different ministry in a different location she always had one answer.  Even when this decision sometimes meant we would be far far away from her.  She called to give me the same advice each time, and it’s what every mother should give their children, “whatever the Lord wants you to do, it’s alright with me”!
As we approach this Mother’s Day, I regret that cancer took her life at a young 60 years of age. This summer we will remember that she has been in the arms of Jesus for 30 years.  Unbelievable!  But, I share this legacy of my Mother, Marie Berniece Granger Navarre, my Mom.. .she did what the Lord Jesus wanted her AND us to do ... follow Jesus!It is my prayer that we will follow in her footsteps and follow Jesus!lovelikejesus

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