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My Journey With Cancer, Part 5

Pastor Dewey Note: It is a blessing that David shares his journey with us. I asked David weeks ago if we could post his journey with cancer. It has been an encouragement to many. God Bless you Bold Man of God!

My Journey with Cancer, Part 5, by David Maddox

Last week medically was a blessing.  First on Monday in a brief meeting with our cancer doctor we got some clarification on the confusion resulting from our Mayo Consult with a cancer surgeon.  God has given us peace to continue with the chemo regiment we have been doing and so as this is being typed we are receiving chemo V.  I say “we” because Janet and I take Scripture seriously that we are one flesh so whether it is a baby within her or this invader in me – it is in both of us.  We rejoice and suffer as one.  Last week – the third week is what we call my “good week” so we were able to travel and went to President Reagan’s library in California – something I have wanted to do since watching his funeral.  So encouraging to know what a leadership gift God gave us at a time when the country was in so much trouble economically – militarily – politically in a challenging world where the Soviet Empire was still aggressively seeking to advance against other nations and build up a military that could destroy America in a moment – a time when people had lost hope of a chance to advance themselves and build an even better future for their children.  All of that changed over the next eight years for Ronald Reagan was a President who face death by assassination 66 days into his first term, was delivered by God, and who then wrote in his diary immediate thereafter – “Whatever happens now, I owe my life to God and will try to serve Him in every way I can”.  I was encouraged to know that God can – and I believe will – raise up another such leader for a time like we are in which is so much like the times President Reagan faced – leaders who will “try to serve Him (God) in every way I can”.

Spiritually last week continued to be a time of loving confrontation – ministry opportunities – and affirmation of how I am to pray and why I can believe that God has/will answer my prayers.  God led me to reread a book I have read several times.  It is Henry Blackaby’s book entitled, “Holiness – God’s Plan for Fullness of Life”.  If you have not read this book you should.  It continually confronts you with Spiritual truth such as “As goes the people of God, so goes to the redemption of the world . . . We are close to either revival or judgment than we have ever been.  There is not an alternative to those two.  Either God’s people return to God with all of their hearts, or God will judge our nation.’ Another – “It is not the lost who need to repent – it is God’s people who need to repent!  We are the ones who have moved away from the Lord.”  This affirmed what I have been told for years – the big “C” Church must stop and deal with it’s own sin collectively and individual if we are to be useful in bringing to pass what God has on His heart.  My passion for revival and awakening has only increase as it is affirmed.

Another affirmation and confrontation occurred on Monday when God brought me to three Scriptures.  The first was the why would I be healed – the purpose for my life when this intruder within is destroyed – “I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord” (Psalm 118:17).  The second was the importance of a consistent witness through this journey for His glory – “Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice because I have hoped in your word”. The third was my need for Jesus’ heart and eyes as I seek to follow Him and allow Him to complete in me and through me all He desires to do regardless of this cancer – “My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law”.

The beauty of ministry is the contacts the Lord has opened up with people who are hurting and suffering.  I am praying with and for people who have been told they are dying.  Yesterday after church a young man walked up and asked if I would go with him to share with his boss who just received a cancer diagnosis and is terrified.  The man does not now know the Lord.  I was thrilled and can’t wait to have the opportunity to share.  I also had numerous opportunities to share on the internet and an opportunity for a radio interview on a piece I wrote for the Christian website I have been asked to join with some 40 other Believers in posting – For God’s Glory Alone Ministries.  The post was entitled, “We’re the Answer” about not allowing the government to replace God, for the issues we face will only be changed as hearts are changed and only God can change a heart.  I also received messages from people seeking to encourage me and share with me what God has shared with them.  Below is a portion of a message I receive last week that was not only encouraging, but God used it to affirm what He has been saying to me.

“Hi Mr. Maddox! I went back and forth whether I should message you as I didn’t want to interfere with anything that the Lord might be doing by interjecting my words. Although, after reading one of your posts, I felt at peace about sharing and hope this encourages you. I was at a prayer meeting tonight, Actually the first one we have had together (myself and two other friends). We were praying that God would reveal himself to us and that our eyes would be open to see miracles to strengthen our faith. Not just the big ones but also the everyday graces that easily go unnoticed. As I was praying this, your name popped into my mind. I knew I was suppose to pause the prayer and ask the ladies to be in agreement and pray for you. Specifically, for miraculous healing if it be God’s will. While we were praying this – I kept seeing the phrase – refinement through fire. Like a final test or obstacle/fear to overcome and remove so God can fully use your gifts to their maximum potential in this final hour that we are very quickly approaching. We also prayed that if God does a miraculous healing that you would receive a spirit of certainty. A knowingness that a healing work is being done and overcoming the ‘invader within’.”


Thank you for your prayers – God answers them as He carries me.

Past Posts From David

About David Maddox – After a legal career in both Texas and Arizona that spanned over 40 years as a civil litigator, God called David to leave his law practice and work full time as Discipleship Director for Time to Revive.  That call is really the fruit of decades of prayer for revival and teaching God’s Word, writing discipleship materials and seeking to make disciples.  David married Janet Whitehead in 1976 and they minister together from their Phoenix home.  God has blessed them with four children and thus far seven grandchildren.

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