The Daily Jot: “president’s” Christianity questioned

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.


NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

“president’s” Christianity questioned

Against the backdrop of the US “president” insulting Christians at two recent gatherings–the National Prayer Breakfast in February and the Easter Prayer Breakfast last week–Fox News tackled the question of the “president’s” Christianity. The “president,” ending his Easter message, was tempted with “veering off” on lecturing Christians about their lack of love, saying, “On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love.  And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.” On Fox News, conservative radio host Kevin Jackson took the “president” to task for his duplicity of criticizing Christianity and giving Islam a pass.

Jackson said, “On the day that he was doing that [Easter Prayer Breakfast remarks], 147 Christians were killed in his home country [sic Kenya]. So what is he talking about? Look, the level of dichotomy with this guy, talking out of both sides of an issue, but never, ever mentioning the nature of Islam, but constantly telling Christians how bad we are.” The context of the “president’s” remarks on Easter reveal that he was actually tempted to lecture the gathering about the lack of love shown by Christians, saying, “But that’s a topic for another day. Where there is injustice–I was about to veer off. I’m pulling it back.” Meanwhile, as Jackson pointed out, Islamists slaughtered 147 Christians in Kenya, purposely on Easter.

The “president” was once again trying to make the case that Christians often do not truly represent their religion. Yes, there were and are wrong-minded people who conduct evil in the name of Jesus Christ. Christians, however, are not massacring people on high holy days to make a point. Nowhere in the Bible does it instruct followers of Jesus Christ to kill those who do not follow him. The “president” is twisting the words of Jesus and showing his distaste for Christianity. Jesus said in Matthew 5:44, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” He gave us a new commandment to love one another as he has loved us.

This is a stark contrast to the writings of the false prophet Mohammad who said in Sura 9:5 “…slay the infidels wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.” Sura 8:12 says, “Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes.” These are just two examples of how Islam is instructed to handle Jews and Christians. While only God knows men’s hearts, we know men by their fruits. The “president’s” remarks are extremely offensive and certainly do not represent the “love” he demands others to exercise.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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