Yesterday I drove home from Midland, Texas after visiting with Pastor Ruben and Lucy Gomez. They gifted us a new car, a beautiful 2006 Buick. A gift of God! God knew that we needed a new the ministry car traveled over 30,000 miles last year and the 2005 Chevy is tired. It will be handed down to daughter Gretchen as her old Dodge has been classified by our mechanic, Pastor Richard Gordon as unsafe! The Chevy will be fixed up by Pastor Richard, as he is donating, parts and labor. Charles and C and A Transmissions is going to service both cars. We just thank the Lord for all the love that me and Sharon and family are shown. The body of Christ has surrounded us in the love of Jesus Christ. We are called by our Lord to serve each other……..that is right… serve and not to be served, Amen! To serve with love. We have been so super blessed to have so many Godly mentors. Pastor Ruben has been such a God send. He has taught me much about the ways of God. Ruben always says, “do what God is telling you to do.” And to do that you must have a personal relationship with HIM. We have to be tuned in with God so we can hear HIM! Hear the call of God! Amen. God told Ruben to give me the car! Ruben says that came directly from God. That is what guides the life of Ruben and Lucy……the voice of God. Many times Ruben will says to me, “God told me to do this………or God told me NOT to do this…….what is God telling you today?
Number one health problem in the World is people not hearing God.
People wonder why their lives are crazy………it’s because they are not hearing God, or if they are, they are not doing what God says!
Spiritual people are not those who engage in certain spiritual practices, they are those who draw their life from a conversational relationship with God, I talk to God constantly! I have to, so I don’t do stupid things! BUT! I still do sometimes! LOL!
Just be honest with God.
Just listen to God.
Love this prayer by Peter Marshall , who was Chaplain of the U.S. senate in the 1940’s…..
“We confess before Thee that our ears are often deaf to the whisper of Thy call, our eyes often blind to the signs of Thy guidance. Make
us willing to be changed, even though it requires surgery of the soul and the therapy of discipline.”
Hi Dewey.
Thanks for the message that you posted on my wall. It’s particularly helpful these days as I’m battling glaucoma, a disease that slowly pressures the eye to become blind. I went to the optometrist two days ago and she said that my vision continues to deteriorate to the point that surgery to relieve the pressure is immanent. After the surgery the sight of the eyes will remain as it was when the operation was performed. I’m feeling low today because this ultimately means that my driving days are just about over and I’ll have to rely on the kindness of other people if I want to get anywhere.
Where is God when His people are hurting? I try (poorly) to follow Him and get this result. We’re going on to 60 years old, Dewey and I don’t know about you but I’m scared. One heart attack, diabetes and glaucoma. The odds are stacked against me. I’m tempted to move back to Windom to live out the last few years I have; or maybe just give up and not try any longer
Dear Brother Jim, I am going to call you….in the meantime please pick up your Bible and read and listen for God to speak to you….I Feel your pain from Mankato to Albuquerque Brother, Love you in Jesus…….calling….
Left you a message Bro, no answer, please call
Bro Jim, have you called your Pastor? Folks please pray for Jim