Holy Rage!


Holy Rage!

Written By Pastor Jerry McCullah

Jerry McCullah
“The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: He shall cry, yea, roar; He shall prevail against His enemies.” (Isaiah 42:13 KJV)
I know for a fact, that in many believers within the bounds of America, there is a worldly rage boiling against tyranny in the camp. But is there, beloved believer, a holy rage in you? Is there a Spirit-led cry of rage against the forces of evil controlling the land? If you truly are a believer, there is; God Himself placed it within you!
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-6 KJV)
Our battles are not of the flesh, though we think we can win in that arena. Our warfare is not political, but our enemy, the devil, has us waging a political war we can’t win in order to keep us out of the spiritual conflict we can win, through Christ. Our continuing war is spiritual and must be fought in the spirit. God is forever calling His own to prayer. Stop! Stop! Stop! . . .ignoring the call to prayer!
One day, the forces of evil may win on the earth and hold all peoples in hopeless slavery, but not today! Today, God’s people will rise up and fall into utter victory on their knees to defeat the forces of evil . . . in the name of Christ! Church, Rise up! Kneel down! Fight on! Join the ranks of warrior intercessors! Pray On!

Here is a bio on Pastor Jerry McCullah, pictured above, just love that picture!, our newest writer for God here at FGGAM! I worked with his son Chris for a bit in Christian radio. God Bless you and yours Pastor Jerry!

Pastor of Green Valley Bible Chapel 2005- Present

Prayer Consultant for California Southern Baptist Convention 2001- Present

Founder and President of Impact Prayer International 1999 – Present

Teaching and encouraging intimate relationships with Jesus Christ in churches through seminars, prayer revivals, concerts of prayer, prayer retreats, and more.

Headquartered at 15724 Calle Hermosa Green Valley, Ca. 91390 Ph. 661-270-9671

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