For Heaven’s Sake! Stop It! Albuquerque in the National News For All The Wrong Reasons


Awhile back Bernalillo County District Attorney Kari Brandenburg said, “We are in a crises” She went onto say, “we may never recover” I have not always agreed with the DA, but on this I commend her for having the guts to say it! I don’t know the last time I have heard such honesty from an elected official. But then I read this comment from APD Chief Eden last night….”grave concern” about the latest incident involving a 24 year old kid, who happens to be an APD Officer, who beat up someone while on duty. Who hired this kid? I feel really sorry for Chief Eden as he got thrown to the “wolves” by Mayor Berry. The Department was in shambles when Berry hired Eden.  I really don’t know if many know how bad of shape Albuquerque is in. Violent crime, Low staffing of the Police force….so much that some Police Officers have stated they are concerned about the safety of residents. Officers are also concerned about a road rage epidemic in the City. Albuquerque also suffers from poor leadership. A leader does not always give you the “chamber of Commerce” line., that seems is what we get with Mayor Berry. I am very tired of the “Chamber of Commerce” lines…the “tourism” boasting…… the “we are going to turn this economy around”…..the nothing noise of politics…… with the low numbers of the Police force, the Mayor and Chief have decided to lower the requirements to be an Officer in Albuquerque!!!???? REALLY???? Lord help us all! I don’t get this thinking, it seems to come from desperation. What has gone wrong in Albuquerque that has caused the Police Force to be in such a crises? A crises that has caused the loss of human life, people being beaten up! For heaven’s Sake, STOP IT!  The Mayor and City Council can’t seem to get it right. It’s all about leadership. It’s all about electing the right people and hiring the right people.

Now read this in the LA Times: 28 people have been shot to death by Albuquerque police over the last 5 years, a per capita rate 8x that of New York:

Also read my post from yesterday about the APD Officer beating up a man….Click on the headline:

Will Albuquerque Police Ever Recover? Will The City Ever Recover?

The truth needs to always be told………….let us be in constant prayer for the city of Albuquerque…….I pray for our Police Dept. I pray for the Godly Officers who are surrounded by some very bad apples…….When I preach out in the rural areas of New Mexico so many people tell me they no longer go to Albuquerque because of all the crime………They do not feel safe. They travel into Arizona or Colorado.

As my Daddy used to say..”Son, sometimes the truth hurts”

Click on this headline to read about  “My kind of Officer”

“Just saw this Cop Having a sandwich with a homeless guy”

News and Views-Dewey

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