FGGAM Quote of The Day: :If it wasn’t for Pastors like you………


Yesterday as I left Reserve, NM I stopped at Henry’s gas station to fill up and I got meet U.S. Forestry worker Kerry Baca. Kerry was filling up his U.S. Forestry truck with gas as he was bringing food and supplies to firefighters. The fire was near Reserve, Kerry said it was not that large and no threat.  Here is what Kerry told me, “If it wasn’t for Pastors like you, I wouldn’t be here.” What Kerry was telling me was that Pastors have helped him so very much in his life, some became mentors. Recently Kerry underwent heart bypass surgery and he was so very thankful for the Pastor who surrounded him with the love of Jesus. We stopped and prayed together, Kerry told me he did not know what his call was.his calling from the Lord. I told him, Kerry, you are doing the Lord’s work this day helping your co-workers fight that fire, bringing them food and water. I went on to tell Kerry the Lord will show you what He has called you to do, listen…….but for now you are doing the work the Lord has assigned you. Amen!

My life verse…My life is worth nothing unless I use it for the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24

Keep doing what your doing Kerry! God will move you when HE wants to move you……just listen.

PS.Kerry’s comment about, “If it wasn’t for Pastors like you………struck me………Let us this day and all days show appreciation for Pastors. I am told by people that study and keep track of such things, that America is losing Pastors each month. A great number are leaving the church. Let us be in prayer concerning this Godly matter! I encourage you to show the love of Jesus to your Pastor! Amen! Kerry baca

Please read God’s Word this day……I also suggest these two books…..”Let God Talk to You” by Becky Tirabassi and “Experiencing God” by Henry and Richard Blackaby. We also have many posts right here at FGGAM on hearing the call of God! Amen!

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