ALARMING: Wiccans Love Indiana, Claim to Be 5th Largest Religion in U.S. and Fastest Growing


This story is very disturbing, very dangerous cult.  I was introduced to Wiccan witches when I was with the Time to Revive Revival in Asheville, NC years ago, three Wiccan witches came up on stage at one point during the revival. This story is from YAHOO NEWS: Amid the howls of opponents who insist that religious-freedom ordinances limit the civil rights of gays and others, conservative lawmakers in Indiana and other states have found unlikely allies: Wiccans, who claim that any laws that give people greater religious freedom are manna from the earth mother. In the Daily Beast, David Freedlander interviewed a Wiccan high priest who said bills like the one that Indiana passed mean Wiccans would be free to marry whomever:


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