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The Daily Jot: Lies and manipulation a sign of the times

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lies and manipulation a sign of the times

Republicans are not standing up to the unconstitutional and illegal deeds of the “president” and his administration. Yes, there are a lot of Facebook Posts by the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, trying to show people how conservative he is. There are a lot of letters from committee chairmen demanding this or that. But it is so far ineffective, some three months into the new terms of the new majority. Democrats, even though they support some of the most anti-God initiatives, are far better at getting their way. Republicans, if they are going to survive another term, must become an effective opposition party because the nation is unlikely to survive its Constitutional form of government if they don’t.

This does have to do with Christianity and the end times. We cannot stop the march of prophecy, but we can determine our place in it. There is no better example than the book of Esther to show how the will of God is carried out by the actions of obedient people. If there were no God-given free will, there would be no purpose to life. Those fatalistic Christians who use the premise that God is in control of everything for not taking action against evil are deceived. Yes, God is in control, as the cliche says, but He relies on his people to pray and act, to overcome evil with good. Politicians are human. They often claim the Christian faith. While many try to separate church from state, one cannot separate his spirit from his body.

When politicians send letters and make statements, it only means that they are playing to the public–trying to get people to believe they are doing something. The letters, emails, faxes, sent by well-intended folks trying to exercise their concerned citizenship, are recorded by issue and used as a list by the politician to “inform” their constituents of all the good they are doing. It is a manipulation game of half truths and, in many cases, blatant lies. If John Boehner, or any of them for that matter, wanted to set things straight, he would immediately go the legal route. The Constitution requires the President to uphold and faithfully execute the laws of the nation. When he doesn’t, he is subject to the law.

Instead of trying to pass more laws to prevent illegal amnesty, or send a letter to Iran about a nuclear deal, or whatever, the Republican opposition should hold a trial and convict this “president” on the host of unconstitutional and illegal things he has done. He should be tried in public, convicted if guilty and sent to prison. But, of course, if that course were taken, then many who join in would be subject to their own criminal or civil indiscretions. 2 Timothy 3:13 says, “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” As the royal priesthood of the living God, we, His people, must act–we must make disciples who will know the truth and we must find effective ways to hold accountability.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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