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Thank You From Gini Galle, a love note…..

Galle 1We have been very swamped here at FGGAM, in many ways, but we are so blessed to be here serving our Lord, Amen! I have not been able to write to you all this week until now. The other day this thank you card showed up in the FGGAM mail box! I love to get mail, it was a thank you card from Gini Galle of Windom, Minnesota. Gini’s husband, John, passed onto heaven on Feb. 4th of this year. I wrote a post about John. I am so thankful for the kind words that Gini wrote…..they warmed my heart and made me weep tears of joy, we are to build each other up in Jesus Christ! Amen! Let us not ever for get that, TO BUILD EACH OTHER UP IN JESUS CHRIST as the Galle family has done for years in Windom! If you would like to drop me a line, please do:  Pastor Dewey, FGGAM, PO BOX 65516, Albuquerque, NM 87193. I just love getting mail!

1 Thessalonians 5:11 teaches us….Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Here is the post I wrote about John Galle, just click on the headline!


Thank you again Gini for writing! Sharon and I love you all! God Bless!

PS…I remember going to Cub scouts at your House! I also will never forget the day us kids were downtown and getting a little wild on our bicycles and John said, “If you don’t behave I’m calling your Dad!”  Thats all it took! Those were the good ol’ days where people policed themselves and looked after everything! People were not afraid to call your parents!

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