Shona Neff of Pray NM Guest of Frank Haley on “The World We Live In” KDAZ AM730 Monday!


Shona Neff newFrank Haley newsComing up this Monday at 12:05pm mt on KDAZ AM730, “The World We Live In” with Broadcast Hall-of-Famer Frank Haley. Frank’s guest will be  Shona Neff of FGGAM! Frank will be filling in for me.  Shona Neff will be sharing with Frank and you about her project, Pray NM. Just a reminder that you can listen to our program right here on our website by clicking on the KDAZ AM730 banner!

To give you an idea what Shona is up to for our Lord, for His Glory Alone, this is her latest post at FGGAM:

In the last Pray NM post we discussed the need for willing workers. That theme continues today as we peek at the building of the tabernacle. Although this mobile dwelling of God is theologically deep, being a scholar isn’t required to draw inspiration for prayer.antique-bible-

Throughout Exodus 35 and 36 phrases using the word “willing” jumps off the pages of the Bible:

  • who is willing – 35:5
  • who was willing – 35:20
  • women who were willing – 35:22
  • All the Israelite men and women who were willing – 35:29
  • who was willing – 36:2

God put out a call, and His people answered because they were willing. They answered that call so enthusiastically, in fact, that they “were restrained from bringing more because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work,” (Ex 36:6).

Can you imagine more than enough prayer from God’s people? Do you find that exciting? Just knowing what God can do with a willing heart inspires me to move beyond my usual routine to build something great — no matter what that “something” is!

In God’s infinite goodness, we don’t have to rely solely on our willing hearts to accomplish great things: God partners with us. He equips us! Let your eyes linger on Moses’ words recorded in Exodus 35:30-31:

“See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge, and wisdom, and with skills of all kinds –“.

Yes, God DID put out the command for His people to build the tabernacle, but He also asked for willing hearts (Ex 35:5). And, for those who answered the call, He gave them the necessary skills, via the Holy Spirit, to complete the project.

Do you see the similarities between the workers of the tabernacle and the prayer need for New Mexico? There is a great and mighty work to be done. God needs workers. He needs influence in every corner of our state to usher in His presence. He wants workers shining the Light of Jesus to lost souls. He desires that the Land of Enchantment move in a healthier and more godly direction.

Are you willing? Yes? God will partner with you.

Are you skilled? Yes? We welcome prayer warriors!! No? We welcome you, too! All you need to do is look to God and let Him equip you for the call.

We may not be constructing a physical tabernacle, but we are building God’s kingdom on earth. As part of that effort, let us be inspired by the story behind God’s first dwelling place among His people.

Prayer needs:

  • Pray for willing workers to help build up our state.
  • Pray that Jesus’ light shines from border to border.
  • Pray that God will equip you to pray effectively for our state’s many needs.

If we all work together we can complete the good work set before us.

“So all the work on the tabernacle, the tent of meeting was complete. The Israelites did everything just as the Lord commanded Moses,” (Ex 39:32).

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