Reach Above Religion and Reach Out for God Almighty!


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

How are you today?

May the Lord Bless you and yours this day.

May we all grow stronger in our Lord.

Reach above RELIGION and reach out for GOD ALMIGHTY! AMEN!

It’s all about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Amen!

Ed Moore of WFRN radio in South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana asked me back in 1986, and this set me back, made me think hard…”So Dewey, how are you and the Lord getting along?”

I am thankful Ed was bold enough to ask me that! It helped me much in my growth as a man of God!

John 1: 10-13 teaches us…..He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

So my friends, How are you and the Lord getting along today?

I beleive we need to ask ourselves that question at least once a day…..are we walking in obedience to God? Does God approve of what I am doing?

Are you hiding anything from him?

You know…that you can’t hide anything from Him, right?

How do you think the Lord looks at what is going on here in the United States?

When we pray about ending abortion in American…..we should remember God has given us the power to stop it! So let’s stop it! When we pray about ending hunger in America, we should remember that God has given us the power to end hunger……..So let’s stop it and feed the hungry! God has answered many of our prayers before we even pray. He has given us the power, the resources to end many of the problems here on earth, but we don’t see it. God has given us ther power to say NO or YES! Do SOMETHING today to be aligned with God. Let your YES be YES and your NO be NO.

The problem here in America is our answer to problems is neither technology or money. Reserve youth


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