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Pray NM: The Power of Praise

Praise and prayer go together like peanut butter and jelly.

That simple truth is easy to forget, especially during times when there is great need. We forget to praise Him when we talk to Him, and instead we focus on the provisions we need just to make it through another the day.

Deuteronomy 8 encourages us not to forget God. Verse 6 tells us to revere Him and 10 reminds us to “praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given.” The context of this stretch of Scripture is after the Exodus from Egypt and before the Hebrew people entered the Promised Land. There was much to praise God for. Likewise, there is much to praise Him for today.

The powerful connection between praise and prayer became a reality for me several years ago when a family member was in great distress. It required me to hop in my car and make a three-hour run to be with my loved-one in the middle of the night. I literally prayed for the entire three hours I was on the road. But, the amazing thing was when I looked back at that night most of my prayer consisted of praise despite the great concern that consumed my heart. I praised God for:

That midnight run showed me that praising Him changed MY perspective. I found peace amid worry. The anxiety that often accompanies  my travels (especially at night) melted with each hallelujah. Unhealthy emotions were not able to take root because of praise. I am convinced that praises, although centered around our worthy God, have incredible effects on those lifting them heavenward!

If we sat down and wrote out every single verse in the Psalms that includes the word “praise” we’d surely get writers cramp. Praise is important. It is important when we find ourselves sailing smooth through life, but even more so, praise is crucial when fighting through our storms. Praise is both offering and sacrifice depending on the circumstances of which we pray.

“Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord, O my soul!

I will praise the Lord all my life,

I will sing praises to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 146:1-2, NIV

Prayer Needs:

There is plenty to praise God for in every day. Let praise be the basis of every prayer. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a pretty basic meal, but it contains nutritional value. Likewise, prayer can be basic while yielding spiritual value. Praises and prayers don’t need to be fancy to be effective (or perspective changing). Sometimes the most simple ones are born of the most genuine heart.

So, praise God!…and praise Him when you pray. It’s a powerful thing.

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