Success! National Protests and Strike Event Recap
By Tara Shaver
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” ― Elie Wiesel
Albuquerque, NM- The first ever National Protests and Strike for life was a success both locally here in NM and across the nation. Protest ABQ kicked off 3 days of protests by attending the annual Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day/NM Rally for Life event in Santa Fe on January 21st.
The NM Political Report published this article on Jan. 21, 2015 featuring Tara Shaver and Fr. Imbarrato who are the perfect tag team interview duo: Activists plan to push lawmakers for abortion restrictions
On January 22-23rd Protest ABQ held protests at the State Capital building in Santa Fe, NM, in front of the New Mexico Medical Board and other high traffic areas including 2 of the 3 remaining abortion facilities in Albuquerque. Our protests were effective in exposing the injustice of abortion which so many, including satan himself, wants to keep hidden. Our protests also served to show our leaders and others in authority that as New Mexicans we do not want pre-born child killing to be ignored or tolerated any longer.
While it was a disappointment in the nations capital, Washington D.C., with “Pro-Life” lawmakers sabotaging the Vote on Bill to Ban Abortions after 20 weeks…However, on the FIRST day of National Protests and Strike Jan. 22, 2015 here in the capital city of New Mexico, there was an encouraging development which was on the front page of the Santa Fe New Mexican,
“Bishops: Restrict late-term abortions- Church says bill could pass under GOP-controlled House”
Here is an excerpt, “Placing limits on late-term abortions is the bishops’ top priority for the 60-day legislative session.”
Now that’s what we are talking about!
Read the article in the Santa Fe New Mexican here: Bishops call for New Abortion Limits
ON THE SECOND DAY, January, 23, 2015 we woke up in Santa Fe with this statement from New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez published in the Santa Fe New Mexican: Governor with bishops on abortion: Gov. Susana Martinez would support a bill to place restrictions on late-term abortions, her spokesman said Thursday.
The state’s three Roman Catholic bishops say the anti-abortion measure is their top priority for the legislative session, and they hope a lawmaker or lawmakers will step forward to sponsor it.
“As the governor has said many times, she is pro-life, which would of course include opposition to late-term abortions,” Martinez’s spokesman said in a statement.
He also said Martinez believes parents should be notified before a minor can have an abortion. She has supported a parental notification bill in the past, and the bishops hope that measure will be reintroduced this year.
Read the statement from Gov. Susana Martinez here: Legislative roundup, Jan. 23, 2015

In light of this encouraging development Protest ABQ left Santa Fe to let the legislative process run its course and headed back to Albuquerque to focus our Prayer and PROTEST on the Late-Term Killing Center that has made ABQ the Late-Term Abortion Capital. Read more about this here:
NM Gov. announces, “Restrict Abortion!”
National Event RecapFrom San Diego, CA to Washington D.C. pro-lifers joined us in protesting and striking with a powerful presence. We had statewide participation in NM with cities representing in Santa Fe, ABQ, Clovis and Las Cruces.
Las Cruces, NM
Clovis, NM
Here is a Reflection of three days for the NATIONAL STRIKE FOR LIFE from our dear friend Denise who lives in Mexico but works in Southern California….First day of national strike for life. I arrived at planned parenthood, El Cajon, Ca. and there were five faithful prayer warriors there ! I expected to be alone. Those five ladies go faithfully every Weds. PRAY TO END ABORTION! Think it easy to not do any buying or selling for three days….? I even didn’t mail three business invoices and letters. Until you do it, you do not realize how much we are engulfed in consumerism. Now I’m in Mexico until Monday so I can’t do the things I THINK I NEED TO DO? Taking comfort in the Peace of God ….all things are passing.”
During and after the March for Life in D.C. our friends at Created Equal, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust and The Anti Choice Project held protests using a JumboTron along the March for Life path, did memorial die-ins in front of the White House and the Supreme Court.
Survivors’ Memorial Die In
The Anti Choice Project
Created Equal

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4We want to thank all of our partners (Survivors, Operation Rescue, Created Equal and The Anti Choice Project: Washington D.C.) and all of those who participated in this year’s first ever National Protest and Strike! Our ABQ protest team was amazing, thank you guys for your passion and perseverance!
May God receive the glory, honor and praise!