By Tara Shaver
Local Protests Culminate into National Protests and Strike January 22-23 2015Albuquerque, NM- Since March of 2014, Protest ABQ has been leading local protests of those who support, profit from and condone pre-born child killing in New Mexico. These protests have culminated in the first EVER call for a National pro-life strike and protests on January 22-23, 2015.Protest ABQ will be joined by other national pro-life groups and individuals in this years first annual National Protest and Strike for Life.
What do we mean when we say “National Protests?”
These protests are already happening everyday in defense of life. Everything we do should be in protest of pre-born child killing. Whether praying in front of an abortion center, sidewalk counseling vulnerable women, leading prayer vigils, or witnessing using abortion victim imagery; any and all activities which we call pro-life will be embraced as a form of protest. For instance, The March for Life is the largest protest of pre-born child killing in the country. Other large protests are held in San Francisco, Santa Fe, and elsewhere. Numerous organizations and countless pro-lifers are already protesting pre-born child killing each and every day.
Watch the promotional video “National Protests & National Strike Jan. 22-23, 2015.”
What do we mean by a “National Strike?”
The daily protests that are already happening all over the country will culminate Thursday, January 22nd and Friday, January 23rd, 2015 in a National Strike. On those two days all those who protest pre-born child killing will stay home from work or school and pray and fast while attending protests throughout the country. On January 22nd, tens of thousands of people already attend protests against pre-born child killing. Likewise, the next day we will strike from work and school, praying and fasting while protesting. These protests will be peaceful and will be in keeping with well formed consciences. The ultimate goal of this National Strike would be to affect every segment of our national culture, with the end result being a total shutdown of the country.
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato Founder of Protest ABQ issued the following statement, “When ‘We the People’ say that enough is enough and stand up in peaceful resistance to the ongoing slaughter of innocent children, then we will see action and the end of pre-born child killing in this nation. May January 22, 2015, be the start of the national strike, which shuts this country down so that our government and the American people understand the urgency of ending legalized pre-born child-killing.”
Protest ABQ will be leading protests locally at various venues throughout both Santa Fe and Albuquerque on Thursday, January 22nd and Friday, January 23rd. Contact us for full schedule of events.
SOLAUD/ NM Rally For Life, Santa Fe Event
Protest ABQ will also participate in this year’s annual Santa Fe Sanctity of Life and Unity Awareness day on January 21st. We are so thankful that in spring of 2007, Archbishop Sheehan asked Fr. Stephen Imbarrato to “liven up” the Archdiocese’s “Unity Day” which had been their annual pro-life Mass event.
The “Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day” (SOLAUD) has always been an event that has brought pro-life groups and individuals across the state together to stand for life. Even though this year’s event has a different name, past organizers have never restricted any kind of signs during the procession or outside the State Capital after the procession.
This falls right in line with how we and Fr. Imbarrato have always conducted our ministries, in a spirit of freedom. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1.
Allen Sanchez, spokesperson for the three Bishops of New Mexico issued the following statement regarding this years event, “The Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day organizers have never restricted any kind of signs during the procession or outside the State Capital after the procession. A reminder that no signs are permitted in the Cathedral or in the State Capitol. The Archbishop has always supported the use of abortion victim image signs and other message signs that tell the truth about abortion and its effects as well as the responsibility officials have to protect the unborn babies and their mothers.”
Please meet us in the spirit of unity and freedom of speech to grab a sign of your choice for the procession outside the Cathedral at 1pm on Wednesday.

For more information visit and join our Facebook event page: National Protests & National Strike Jan. 22-23rd, 2015 |