Don’t Hide From The Truth: Albuquerque is Violent, Stolen Cars, Robberies and Shootings


car stolenOn this snowy day in New Mexico, KRQE NEWS 13 of Albuquerque is reporting this morning that Nine vehicles that were warming up in Albuquerque driveways were reported stolen Friday by 8 a.m.  Estimates show 33 vehicles have been stolen while warming up just this week. I just came from the Smith Food Store near our home and the check-out lady told me she got out of Raton, New Mexico because of crime and came to Albuquerque and is so disappointed in how violent the city is. An elderly man in line said, “Albuquerque has become very dangerous.” This is the same Smith Food Store that young men with guns robbed a few weeks ago, pointing their guns at customers and workers of the store while they hauled off liquor. This is the Smith’s at Paso and Golf Course. An Albuquerque Police Sgt. was very frank with me when he said, “People have no idea how violent this city has become.” A Bernalillo County Deputy Sheriff for 25 years told me, “I have never seen so much violence in my life.”

Both the store clerk and the elderly customer believe that we need to bring God back to the head of all things in New Mexico! Amen!

It seems many City officials want to put the “Chamber of Commerce smile”  on all this! You must meet this problem head on and bring God to the head of all things!

Don’t lie to the people about the condition of the City, it is an insult to the intelligence of the people!

Businesses do not want to move here with a failing Public School system, high drop out rate and violent crime.

Read this latest report on the violence in Albuquerque: Rolling Stone turned the clocks back to 2005. Even if you do not agree with this write up in Rolling Stone it does a good review of the history of crime in the city.

Also more here:

Too Many Americans Simply Don’t Give a Hoot About The Truth

Face the truth, even if it hurts! Bring God back into America! Bring God back into Albuquerque, Bring God back into New Mexico.

End Abortion in New Mexico and America! End the killing of God’s Babies. God cannot bless this mess! America bless God! Amen!

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