Quote of The Day: They forced my hands under my knees and tied them there……


“They forced my hands under my knees and tied them there. Then they put a stick through these ropes and hung me upside down. They filled my mouth with dirty rags. I almost suffocated. They beat me, breaking my bones, Great pieces of skin hung from my body.” Tsehay Tolessa was tortured by the Ethiopian Communists for her faith in Jesus Christ. Spent 10 years in jail and has not regained full vision. I am here to tell you, she sees more clearly than most of us! Living Red!!!  Most of us are spoiled with comforts.

Please read:

Todd Adkins said, “You can either be comfortable or courageous, but you can’t be both.” Most American Churches and Pastors have become to comfortable. I say most because thank the Lord there are some “BOLD for JESUS Churches out there, BOLD for JESUS Pastors, those who stand in the gap constantly, watchman on the wall.

More here:

Living Red

Are You Comfortable or Courageous? Which One Are You?persecution

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