NM Congressman Steve Pearce: “Omnibus Spending Bill To Provide Certainty and Stability for NM Businesses”


NM Congressman Steve Pearce will be on our radio program, “The World We Live In”  on Monday at 12:05pm mt on KDAZ AM730. You can also, like many friends listen right here from our website by clicking on the KDAZ banner.

Here is a press release we just received from Congressman Pearce’s office:



Washington, DC (Dec. 12, 2014)  Congressman Steve Pearce voted in favor of the FY 2015 CR-Omnibus Appropriations Bill. Passage of the $1.013 Trillion spending bill will protect American jobs, fund national security priorities, reduce wasteful spending and provide for veterans.


“Passing the spending bill as our last order of business this year was critical, as it will provide certainty and stability for New Mexico businesses through the next fiscal year,” said Congressman Steve Pearce. “Compelling points and arguments existed on both sides of the issues, and I found there were reasons to vote for and against the bill. The bill provides several provisions to protect jobs and restrict crippling federal regulation and overreach, including protecting farmers and ranchers from new grazing fees on BLM and Forest Service lands. The legislation also reduces federal bureaucracy. It decreases funding for the IRS by $346 million. The bill restricts overreach of the federal government, including a provision to prevent the EPA from passing a rule to regulate lead content in ammunition, and it prohibits the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from requiring Clean Water Act permits for agricultural ponds and ditches.”


“We have increased funding for the National Institutes of Health and provided $45.2 billion for VA medical services, including $7 billion for mental health care, $133 million for suicide prevention and $7 billion for homeless veterans’ assistance.”


“I commend Chairman Calvert and Chairman Rogers for putting forth legislation that includes vital provisions that will help Western communities grow and prosper,” said Pearce.  “The bill increases funding for hazardous fuels reduction to help Western communities prevent catastrophic wildfires. It also prevents the administration from implementing new fees on oil and gas producers who create jobs and ensure stable energy prices for middle-class families. The bill cuts full-time employees at the EPA to the lowest level in 25 years, and rejects $66 million requested by the President to implement even more economically devastating regulations. The bill will give statewide conservation efforts a chance to succeed by preventing a listing of the sage grouse, which would have severe economic consequences for many Western communities.”


“Last, but not least, the bill fully funds the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Program (PILT) that so many Western communities rely on for their everyday needs. The provisions in this bill are essential in providing certainty and the potential for economic growth in the West.”


Highlights of the FY CR-Omnibus Appropriations Bill:

  • $45.2 billion for VA medical services, including $7 billion for mental health care, $133 million for suicide prevention and $7 billion for homeless veterans’ assistance
  • $209 million to assist with VA Veterans Choice Program
  • Prevents federal regulations on farm ponds, irrigation ditches
  • Prohibits proposed new grazing fees on BLM and U.S. Forest Service lands
  • Since 2010, overall spending has decreases $10.91 Trillion to $1.013 Trillion ($80 billion). The IRS budget has been reduced more than $1.2 billion since 2010 and is currently funded below 2008 levels.
  • Since 2010, the EPA budget has been reduced by more than $2 billion.
  • EPA employee levels are at the lowest since 1989.
  • Budget rejects new EPA regulatory programs.
  • Defunds $4.3 billion “Race to the Top,” the program, and the Common Core State Standards.


NOTE: The FY 2015 CR-Omnibus Appropriations bill passed by a 219 to 206 vote.steve Pearce

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