Good Morning Beautiful People….Do You Know The King?



Good Morning Beautiful People…..Do You Know the King?

Today, I wanted to share a journey I went on several years ago. I believe it was a supernatural journey. It was on a Saturday evening and I went to a local church here in Presque Isle, Maine for their evening service. Allison, a dear friend came running up to me and said you need to be at the World Conference in Orlando, Florida in January. I never heard of such an event and get excited when I get to go anywhere past Houlton, Maine (which is only an hour away). She’s a dear friend and always laughing and bringing joy to everyone around her. I thought she was just being giddy or something. She noticed I wasn’t taking her seriously and said Oh No Angel, I’m serious, I spoke to Jeff and Judy about this and they agree you need to be at this world conference in January (you gotta meet this sweet couple). So, I do the only thing I know what to do….pray..I admit though, I just prayed a prayer something quick like Jesus, you want me to go to the world conference? Set it up. I really never thought too much about it in the days that followed.

Then an acquaintance from another local church called to tell me about a brochure in the mail they received about the world conference in Orlando, Florida. She thought I should consider it. She further explained they had a time share that would be available for my use. I was getting a bit excited. I was really beginning to Believe there was a purpose for my attendance at this world conference. I asked for some time off from my job here at the local community action program. Believe me in the winter months its action ok. Leaving for a week in January one of our coldest and busiest times of the year when another co-worker would be in Israel seemed almost like a no brainer. Somehow I got a yes and I knew this had to be a God thing.

I didn’t buy Christmas gifts that year and saved my money to buy airline tickets as I wanted to take my family along. Every day, several times a day I would check the prices of airline tickets. Finally two days before Christmas I had enough money to book the tickets. My oldest daughter had decided she wasn’t going to go (she likes to plan ahead and this last minute planning isn’t her cup of tea). Sometimes when you are operating on Faith you don’t have the money until the very last minute. I tell God he should change that because it isn’t easy, but he makes the rules and it’s called Faith. I tried at the office I was working at to book the tickets and a blue line would go thru it when I would hit the final button to order the tickets. I tried hard to no avail. I went to the public library and tried to book the tickets, the very same occurrence (the blue line) hanging it up and it wouldn’t go thru. The librarian kindly tapped my shoulder and said we are closing early today and we close the computers down fifteen minutes early. Every day those airline tickets rise in price and I just barely had enough money. I was getting a bit anxious.

That afternoon a dear sister in Christ Ginny called to see if I was going to the candlelight service at the Presque Isle Wesleyan church. I told her if I went I would be going by myself and I didn’t like that very much. She excitedly told me how the year prior she went all by herself and it was just pure worship. I hung up the phone and prayed a little prayer asking for forgiveness about thinking of myself and not desiring to go to worship him. I told her about this World Conference it seemed like I would be attending and she agreed to pray for me.

The candlelight service was a beauty to behold. The presence of God with all the beautiful candles still makes my heart leap as I pen this. As I entered the church the lady from Family Christian Center church inquired if she could speak to me after service. I tried not to fret about it too much, although I caught my mind wondering at times. After the beautiful candlelight service Greg and Ginny walked over and gave me a check towards this trip. I was humbled but blessed. Then the lady from Family Christian Center said God had impressed on her heart on Thursday to help book the tickets and inquired if I needed a rental car from Bangor to Boston? (My dear sisters always agree to take me to Bangor). Well it sure seemed like this was a God set up.

I was at this meeting at the World Conference at the Swan and Dolphin Hotel and was leaving the first session. A lady pushing a woman in a wheelchair that was a diabetic inquired if I knew where they could get a snack. I did not but offered my banana and yogurt. They accepted and now I was the one in need of a snack, as I was hungry.

There were thousands of people all over and I walked up to a lady sitting near a window and inquired of her the same Do you know where I can get a snack ? She tried to tell me but must have seen my puzzled look and decided to go with me. As we were chatting she told me she had a house for sale in Oceanside, California. I prayed with her to sell her house and we exchanged our address and phone numbers.

It was there in the prayer room at the Swan and Dolphin Hotel in Orlando, Florida that I inquired of my King why he wanted me there. This is what I penned: To write, teach and deliver the message of inner healing for women based on the Word of God. To have a safe house, a place of refuge to meet the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of women in crisis. A place of refreshing, a place of ministry to bring hope, healing and deliverance to the women of Aroostook County and Western New Brunswick. Also I penned this: to journey with, encourage and equip women to fulfill the purpose of God in their lives using the gifts and talents they have been given. This looked quite an exciting assignment. .

A short time went by and the lady from California mailed me a letter stating her house had sold and enclosed was a check for $150.00. I put the check in an account under Healing Waters Women’s Ministry. Each month I felt inspired to send in a monthly donation to the Inspirational Television channel. I also sent a small donation to a ministry in the UK. It didn’t take too long to empty out the account. I really had very little idea of what I was doing, but wanted to do the right thing. I knew it was God money, not mall money.

Today, I embark on the next step in founding the ministry of Healing Waters Women’s Ministry, I covet your prayers. I closed the bank account but took out a pen and began to journal my journey of inner healing with my King. I soon will be publishing my first book and plan to publish devotionals and Bible Studies as well. Through all of this I discovered I had a gift, God himself gifted me to write. What talent and gifts have you been blessed with? Today, inquire of the King if you do not know. He has a way of setting things up. Get ready to take your next step in fulfilling your greatness for Christ, let me take you to the King.

I sense the day has come that the Esther’s and the Deborah’s will arise and make a great impact on this nation and the nations around this globe.

There’s a whole lot more to this journey, but I must end for now. I need some rest before the morning dawn and it’s time to go corporately go worship my King, but first let’s pray together:

Father, creator, Jesus and our King we worship you. Today, we want to know you more. We seek your face and desire to use the gifts and talents you have placed within us. Today, God we join our Faith and thank you for those Healing Waters all across this globe. May many come to you this day and find rest for their weary soul we pray. Amen




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