FGGAM on the Move Today at Indigo Mortgage and KDAZ AM730


PRAISE GOD! I have been asked to deliver a sermon today at the Indigo Mortgage Christmas Party in Albuquerque.  I am so humbled that Ben and Jerry Lucero have asked me to give God’s Word today to them and their wonderful staff. I ask for your prayers. I have not heard of a business having a Pastor deliver a sermon at a Christmas party! I think this is just wonderful. I want to add here that Indigo Mortgage is a monthly supporter of FGGAM! They are faithful in their financial support of this ministry and help fuel the engines every month with their love offering. The folks at Indigo clearly see the work that God is doing at FGGAM.  Sharon and I are so very humbled by the love of all of our supporters. Today I will preach on what I did yesterday, “The ABC’s of Christmas” WOW! What a wonderful time I had in Reserve, NM yesterday at the Baptist Church! The message was received very well and the fellowship afterwards was awesome! (Lord Willing, we will have the audio of the sermon up before Christmas!)  I love the folks in Reserve, I am even making friends outside of the Church, by stopping at the local cafe and Henry’s Gas Station for visits on my way out of town. I even was able to reconnect Henry with an old friend here in Albuquerque! God at work Amen!

I also want to share with you two miracles! Some of you know that I suffered a bad knee injury last week and have been limping around in pain. Sharon wondered if I would be able to drive the 8 hour round trip to Reserve, NM yesterday. Saturday it was very painful. It is my driving leg. I knew that the Lord wanted me to go and preach, so come the dickens or high water, I was going. I got prayed over and up!On the way to Reserve  I stopped in Magdalena to see Pastor Paul Holt and his lovely wife Jo and they prayed over me and also for our dog Reno that his bleeding would stop! I am here to tell you that my knee did not flare up and that this morning it is still pain free and I stood up the whole time I preached and when I got home Reno’s bleeding had slowed. PRAISE GOD! And I am able to extend the leg fully and free without pain!

Now since I am going to be delivering the message at the Indigo Mortgage Christmas party at Noon, Pastor Paul Holt will be hosting “The World We Live In” at 12:05pm mt on KDAZ AM730 and you can also listen live from this website by clicking on the KDAZ banner.

Thank you Lord for your blessings, Thank you all for your love and support of FGGAM.

PS: Tonight is the Moede Christmas. This year we only have Gretchen, Mike and his girlfriend Tina with us. Gretchen is flying out on the 23rd, WOW! which is tomorrow, LOL!,  to be with Lars in Chicago and Greg and Natasha and Stephanie and Patrick cannot be here. We are thankful that we have Gretchen, Mike and Tina with us! Amen!

Still have many Christmas cards to get out!

Pictured here are Ben and Jerry Lucero Ben and Jerry

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