Don’t lose your way……

Cowboy Clarence Montoya has been such an inspiration to Pastor Dewey and to so many others! Glory to God in the Highest!

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Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We love you all! Merry Christmas!

Here is an update on Kathy Garcia in her words: God is awesome and good. The promise of Pslam 91 took me to a place of safety and peace and I am still remaning in that palce. Thank you for all of your prayers for the surgery and continued healing.

Thank you for the update Kathy! PRAISE GOD!

Happy Birthday to one of the best men of God Justin Johnson of Albuquerque. Justin was my assistant at KKIM for a couple of years. When I think of Justin these words come to mind: Pure, honest, loyal, dedicated, true to his word, following God in all he does, a true man of God. I was super blessed to work with Justin! Love ya bro!

I am very sorry that I was not able to brew a CUP yesterday, but I had strained my knee badly on Sunday and had problems getting around and had the radio show and Doctor’s appointment yesterday. I am doing much better today, but we got a ways to go.

But that is a very, very small thing.

Go here:


S.E. Coleman our Missionary friend who is serving in Guatemala posted this today on her Facebook about the horrific killings of school children in Pakistan:

I have such a broken heart to read, think, feel about the terror visited on so many children in Pakistan in the last hours. HERE there are complains about headaches, consequences of bad choices, not enough money, but think for a moment your child slaughtered by those possessed by the enemy of us all. If your children are in school today or daycare, entertain the thought only for a moment of their teacher being burned alive and they were forced to watch. May God comfort those parents whose heads were cut off and may we safe in our homes in front of computers or tablets in hand give thanks to God for His Mercy toward us!!!

God Bless you S.E.. and all you do. I can see here from FGGAM Master Control that S.E. is done with her post:

Pakistani Children Murdered FGGAM EXCLUSIVE Cowboy Clarence

Church don’t lose your way……….I used the picture of my Dear Friend Cowboy Clarence out of Socorro, New Mexico because he never loses his way. despite spending his life in a wheelchair, he is the happiest guy I know! He is always spreading the good cheer of Jesus Christ 24/7. He is always asking me who he can pray for! I told him about my accident, and not being able to walk for a day. I asked the Cowboy, “You never complain about not being able to walk!” He said, “It never crosses my mind. it is a blessing, as God has a special plan for me and I try to do it everyday, to help people.” Chew on that one for awhile people of God. Most of us are spoiled.

I was talking  with Dr .Darine, my Doctor at Diamond Back Wellness,  and she stated to me very strongly, ” Don’t lose your focus, don’t lose your way….be the light,keep showing your light, give the world His light as the answer.”

Yes, Jesus Christ is the only answer.

My heart is broken with what has taken place in Pakistan, the death toll started at 80 some children and now the last I looked was at just over 130. Massacre. Has the world gone numb to the pain of the world? The world is in severe pain.

In this world of darkness and much technology I believe the message of Jesus Christ is too simple for many. That is sad. But do not lose heart.

Let’s get back on track Church………

Pastor Christmas Evans of Wales who was born on Christmas Day in 1776, went to heaven in 1838 liked to compare the ministry og God’s Word to that of a miner, who takes the ore of the earth, melts it, and puts it into the mold. “The gospel is like a form, or mold, and sinners are to be melted , as it were, and cast into it.” he urged young Preachers to be faithful to “the form of sound words” that Paul wrote about in 2 Tim. 1:13.

Evans also said, “preach the gospel of the grace of God intelligently, affectionately, and without shame—all the  contents of the great box, from predestination to glorification. Let the Preacher  influence himself; let him reach his own heart. if he would reach the hearts of others;if he would have others feel, he must feel himself.”

I was telling Wanell Pate that it would do all Pastors good to read of the Pastors of the 1600’s to 1880’s……… Get to know the likes of Christmas Evans.

During his long and difficult ministry, he never received a large salary. He could have carved out a religious empire for himself, but he preferred to follow the Lord into the small and difficult places where men needed the bread of life.

What does God think of the riches and lifestyle of the large American Churches?

What do you think?

We are spoiled here in America and have kicked God to the curb………..

Philip from Sudan in 1996:

The guards picked up a burning log from the fire.

“Renounce your faith in Jesus Christ!” they commanded. “We will burn you and cut you until you become a Muslim.”

Philip had been taken to a military barracks along with thirty-five other Christians. Islamic officials began to beat them and curse them.

For 11 days, Philip and several of his friends were bound, beaten, and burned as government soldiers tried to convert them to the Islamic faith.

None of the twelve women survived the torture.

Philip told reporters: “My faith was very strong when they burned me. I prayed, ‘God I will never forget you.’ I refused to be a Muslim because I knew God was with me.”

The Bible tells us everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 2 Tim. 3:12.

From the book, “Jesus Freaks dc Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs”

“They forced my hands under my knees and tied them there. Then they put a stick through these ropes and hung me upside down. They filled my mouth with dirty rags. I almost suffocated. They beat me, breaking my bones, Great pieces of skin hung from my body.” Tsehay Tolessa was tortured by the Ethiopian Communists for her faith in Jesus Christ. Spent 10 years in jail and has not regained full vision. I am here to tell you, she sees more clearly than most of us! Living Red!!!  Most of us are spoiled with comforts.

Please read:

Todd Adkins said, “You can either be comfortable or courageous, but you can’t be both.” Most American Churches and Pastors have become to comfortable. I say most because thank the Lord there are some “BOLD for JESUS Churches out there, BOLD for JESUS Pastors, those who stand in the gap constantly, watchman on the wall.

Come on Church, show the true light of Jesus Christ, be salt and light? Have you forgotten salt and light?

Most of us are to comfortable.

More here:

Living Red

Are You Comfortable or Courageous? Which One Are You? FGGAM EXCLUSIVE: By Pastor Dewey

Albuquerque Bystanders Watch Man Get The Snot Kicked Out Of Him, Don’t Call 911, But Video Beating Satanic!

Is Santa evil? and other Christmas questions By Lori Hatcher

When You Hear the Word Christmas A Must Read by Dr. Michelle

The Inconsistent Stance of Christians on Marriage FGGAM EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Paul Holt Commentary

Businesses Are Not Locating To New Mexico Because Of The Failure of The Educational System FGGAM EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Dewey Commentary

Find more at FGGAM.ORG we work hard for you everyday at FGGAM.

For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team.

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors!

And all of God’s people said, Amen!

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