I Have Come to Inflict the Comfortable and to Comfort the Inflicted

Dewey Moede
Lars Moede Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede

Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

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How are you today?

Yes I know, I won’t sell many books, or this website or be popular in our society with titles like that, “I have come to inflict the comfortable and to comfort the inflicted, that is not the way of the American society…………so be it………

We are very very busy, sorry I did not get  a CUP out yesterday as I am trying to spend as much time with Lars before he flies out today at 4pm, do the radio program, keep up with the website and the many other ministry duties that the Lord has given us. We love you all and we thank you for your support.

Yesterday I had Tom Lester with me on our radio program. Tom is such a dear, dear friend having been on the radio with me in the past. Tom starred in the TV series “Green Acres”  from 1965 to 1971. Tom played Eb, the hired hand of Mr. and Mrs Douglas. Tom also traveled with Billy Graham at one time. He is the last surviving member of the Green Acre’s cast. Tom shares on our radio program about witnessing to the world, helping others to know Jesus Christ this Christmas. I will let you know when the audio is posted! Tom is 76 years old living on the family farm in Laurel, Mississippi. Please pray for Tom as he is having a few health issues. He is such a lovely man, a strong man of God who has stood in the gap all of his years for God.

I’m praying for a preacher man like Billy Graham to arise in America! Amen! Billy always preached heaven, hell, sin, repentance, forgiveness, the blood of Jesus. Red living!

We have this prayer request fro Maria McNerney of Albuquerque, the daughter of Pastor Vic and Barbara Tafoya……….

I would like to ask for prayers for our family for some major challenges we are facing. Tomorrow morning, our little CJ will undergo allergy testing. Although it seems trivial, it is very uncomfortable and it is coupled with a fear that he could have an anaphylactic reaction while being exposed to all those allergens at once since he’s just a little guy. It’s the same fear and feelings that we had each time SJ has had testing. Facing even the possibility of anaphylaxis is terrifying when it’s your child. Then, on Wednesday morning, my dad will be admitted to the heart hospital for a catheterization to survey his heart before he undergoes open heart surgery to repair his aortic valve. If his cath shows certain signs of damage, etc., they will proceed with surgery immediately. If they think he is stable enough, they will delay the surgery, probably for a couple of weeks. He is currently in a lot of pain and his symptoms have progressed dramatically in the last couple of weeks. He and my mom are very scared. He was supposed to have his initial appointment with the cardiac surgeon dec 15th and schedule surgery from there. This is a congenital heart problem that was just discovered last month. His job is also not guaranteed afterward since it is difficult to find an employer who will insure him in his line of work, and it’s a little more challenging to keep a CDL license with a valve replacement and lifetime warfarin therapy. Please pray for peace, comfort, healing, wisdom, and the knowledge that the Great Physician is in control. Thank you.

We are praying for you all…..we are storming heaven with our prayers! We pray for good reports and complete healing! In Jesus name, Amen!

We also need to pray for the many folks who are addicted to booze as the hospitals in Albuquerque are filling up with people suffering from an overdose of alcohol, including internal bleeding. Depression is a major problem. With a worsening economy, many are so very depressed, so many have been forgotten, they are not even a government statistic anymore, just plain forgotten about. Let God’s people not forget.

Every time I see the Albuquerque secular news, ……day and night, killings, gunfire, gunmen on the loose, drunk driver kills more, robberies,domestic abuse, abortions in Albuquerque, killing of babies, just look at the websites of all 3 major TV stations in Albuquerque, KOB, KRQE, KOAT and it will give you major depression. The three websites read like a blog from hell,  police blotter of major crime. But yet the so called leaders ignore the very truth that Albuquerque and New Mexico is a very violent place. They fail to call people to God and prayer. They fail to recognize God Almighty. They feel their political “nothing noise” can change hell to heaven.  This cycle will remain and only get worse unless people return to God, it is simple as that.

I have come to inflict the comfortable and comfort the inflicted with this message today……….

For years I have kept an article from the Life Action magazine. I am going to use parts of the write up from Chapter 7 of “Absolute Surrender” by Andrew Murray. This is what God has put on my heart for this time in American history:

I keep bringing this up in conversation, on the radio and TV and on my posts here at FGGAM and the CUP,  Too much of the Church does not want to talk about our failures. They take it as an embarrassment. The bottom line is that the American church is failing. The latest figures put American church attendance at 12 to 15 percent, let’s be generous and say it’s 25 percent or even 35 percent of America attends church on Sundays….that is still failure. I know that my first grade teacher Mrs. Fett would take out her red ink pen and mark this report on church attendance in America with a BIG F! I know I got plenty of them!

The great question for us to ask ourselves is whether our life is lived more in the power of the flesh than in the power of the Holy Spirit. The indications that a Christian is serving God in the power of the flesh are very easy to detect. Self-effort always ends in sin.

In Galatians 5, the Christians were quarreling and in danger of devouring one another. Count the number of expressions the apostle used to indicate their lack of love, and you will find more than 12. Envy, jealousy, bitterness, strife, and all sorts of others. The apostle Paul gives the reason for their failures: They were trying to serve God in their own strength. Look around today, you see way too many Christians falling by the side.

Today, there is a complaint everywhere of the lack of high standards of integrity and godliness among professing members of Christian churches. Many Christians are showing an unbelieving world just what it wants to see, a bunch of crazy, misbehaving, angry Christians. What happened in Ferguson and what I have seen some of my friends post on their Facebook, is an embarrassment to God. This is not a black versus white situation, it is a God issue. So many people are pouring gas on this issue. Comparing the killing of white people and black people, it is a crazy, sinful cycle.

I have 3 black cousins. They were adopted by my Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary in Windom, Minnesota in the 60’s and 70’s. Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary saved these abandoned children from the ghetto’s of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I know what my beloved cousins faced growing up, hardship and hate. Don’t tell me about racism. I know white people who grew up in poverty and suffered from ridicule from whites, white people called them “white trash” I still see this today. Don’t tell me about racism. You also don’t need to tell me about all the black people who were hung by their necks in America. It is not a black and white issue, it is a God issue. God is not pleased with actions from both sides. Be careful what you say and do. Too many are pouring gas on the fire.

People are trying to address this issue with their own strength and not in the spirit of God.

Where are the marks of the presence of God’s Spirit?

Alas! We have forgotten, we have grieved and dishonored the Holy Spirit!

The Galatians had no other way to change but to return to where they had gone wrong—to come back from all religious effort in their own strength, and to yield themselves humbly to the Holy Spirit. And there is no other way for us as individuals today.

God wants us to arise and place our sins before Him, and to call on Him for mercy. Let us confess before God how our self-effort and self-confidence have been the cause of every failure.

God alone can bring about change. God alone, who gave us the Holy Spirit, can restore His power into our lives. God alone can strengthen us “with might by His Spirit in the inner man” Eph. 3:16

If God is going to have mercy on His church, it will be because the Holy Spirit will be sought after with a whole heart. Pastors and congregations will be found bowing before God in deep abasement with one cry: “We have grieved God’s Spirit; we have tried to be Christians with as little as possible of God’s Spirit; we have not sought to be people filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Until believers grasp this, and cease trying by human efforts to do God’s will, the church will never be what God wants her to be and what God is willing to make of her. We must wait on the Holy Spirit to come with all His omnipotent and enabling power.

Now please visit us at FGGAM.ORG    www.fggam.org

These are ust reads, please  share them with the world! Currently these are the top posts at FGGAM:

Russian Military Aircraft Posing A Threat To Civilian Planes From Yahoo News…very important news you need to know!

North Dakota Diploma Could Require Passing U.S. Naturalization Test From the St. Paul Pioneer Press

Is Santa Clause Dangerous for Christian Children? From Pastor Paul Holt

Have You Ever Been Asked By Your Doctor If You Own A Gun? From Yahoo News

“So you’re a nurse?….how much do you make?” From Sharon Moede

All Glory to God!

Please pray for us as we march on for Jesus Christ and His truth only!

Dewey, Sharon, Family, FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors!

And all of God’s people said, AMEN!

I ask you again my friends to pray for my family and the doggy’s! Thank you! Love to all! Dewey Moede




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