Good Morning Beautiful People.. Do You Really Believe In The Cross? Be Obedient


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On one of my journey’s north to visit my daughter, son-in-law and grandson Emmett,  I captured this picture with my phone.  I look at it a lot as I pray for God’s people.

Today, I must tell you I feel the urgency in my spirit that time is drawing near. Yesterday, I drove north again to visit this precious family. I turned the radio on and  listened to Franklin Graham as he was interviewed on Focus on the Family just prior to my radio broadcast Destiny Moments. He spoke about his book Rebel Without A Cause. I chuckled and also felt for his parents as he told stories of how he gave them such a difficult time. You must listen to this interview (

I  recollected the memory of Dewey Moede several years ago now, when he was the station manager of KKIM in Albuquerque, New Mexico calling and asking me to be on that evening praying for the nations. Of course I agreed as I have a heart for people and prayer. I also felt so compelled to share about an interview I had just completed with a local woman and friend Christine McPherson.  Christine had been diagnosed with cancer when she heard the Lord speak to her to prepare for a missions trip to Guatemala. She brought the word obedience to the listeners on my radio broadcast Destiny Moments. Four surgeries later and a catheter she boards the plane out of obedience to her Lord. I must admit this interview was challenging me personally. I remembered as I shared Dewey getting so excited as he told the listeners that earlier that morning he had Franklin Graham on the airwaves and the word he brought was obedience. Tonight  he shared I have Angel Murchison on and the word she brings is obedience.  Somehow I felt God was going to be asking not only me, but Dewey and the listeners as well to take some steps of obedience.

As I pen this post this morning, I do not know what God is asking of you.  That is totally between you and him. All I can do is encourage you to take that next step of obedience, myself as well.

His Word states in 1Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

Today let’s pray a simple prayer together; Lord help us to be obedient to your will and to your way, for your glory alone. Amen


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