Evil Putin Sends West Warning By Signing Nuclear Deal With Evil Iran


Iran and Russia nuclear cooperation (GRAPHIC)Evil and Evil: In a development that stunned many observers in Israel and the West, Russia signed an agreement with Iran on Tuesday which could possible see the Islamic Republic enriching domestically produced fuel for its own nuclear reactors, undercutting Western efforts to discourage the practice. The deal would see Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear company, constructing two more reactor units at the Russian-built nuclear power plant at Bushehr, with options to build up to six more. Although Rosatom would supply the fuel for the new units, it added in an official statement that it was open to discuss “the feasibility of fabricating fuel rods in Iran, which will be used at these power units.” Analysts speculated that the announcement was a warning to Western powers to show greater flexibility with Iran in ongoing negotiations over its renegade nuclear program. Read More

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