Houston, We Have A Problem….And A Constitution!


Let the City of Houston know that issuing
subpoenas for pastors’ sermons is wrong!

Dear Dewey,Houston attorneys have issued subpoenas to five pastors demanding they turn over any speeches, writings, or sermons on gender identity, homosexuality, or mentioning the mayor, Annise Parker, who identifies as a lesbian. These pastors have been targeted for their role in petitioning to repeal a local ordinance, the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, which would allow members of the opposite sex to use each other’s restrooms in the name of “prohibiting discrimination.”Just yesterday, Parker tweeted that these sermons are “fair game.”Needless to say, she is mistaken—this is an outright violation of these pastors’ First Amendment rights.Here’s what you can do:

  1. Please pray!
  2. Read our response to the issue here and help us by spreading the word about this blatant abuse of authority using #4Houston5.
  3. Change your Facebook profile picture to this image to support the Houston 5 and take a stand for free speech.
  4. Tune in to Hannity on the Fox News Channel tonight at 7:00 PM (AZ) /10:00 PM (ET) to see ADF’s own Erik Stanley and Pastor Steve Riggle take a stand for the First Amendment. The segment is expected to air at 7:40 PM (AZ)/10:40 PM (ET).
  5. If you haven’t already, encourage your pastor to join Pulpit Freedom Sunday!
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More here:

Houston, Freedom of Speech & Religion and Sexual Immorality

The Daily Jot: Lesbian Houston mayor bullies pastors…

Why the City of Houston Wanted Sermons of Five Pastors

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