American Minute with Bill FedererBattle of Cowpens – Strategic Turning Point of Revolutionary War “Our success has staggered our enemies, and almost given faith to infidels…” -Sam Adams |
![]() British Colonel Banastre Tarleton was known as ‘the bloody butcher’ for letting his dragoons bayonet and hack hundreds of surrendering American soldiers at Buford’s Massacre, May 29, 1780.In January of 1781, Colonel Banastre Tarleton led 1,200 of Britain’s best troops, consisting of British dragoons, regulars, highlanders and loyalists, in a hot pursuit of the Americans.
![]() American General Daniel Morgan led them into a trap – the Battle of Cowpens, January 17, 1781. The Americans took a stand with a river behind them, leaving them no opportunity to retreat.
As depicted in the movie The Patriot, American General Daniel Morgan had his line of militia fire twice into the charging British cavalry, then retreat around a hill. At a full gallop, Tarlton’s dragoons charged straight on, only to be surprised by a wall of 400 battle-hardened American Continental soldiers who had been hiding behind the militia.
The militia then circled around appearing on the other side of the hill and attacked Tarlton’s flank. In the confusion, 110 British were killed and 830 captured. The Battle of Cowpens is widely considered the tactical masterpiece and turning point of the Revolutionary War. When British General Cornwallis was told the news, he was leaning on his sword – and leaned so hard the sword snapped in two. Cornwallis gave chase, even abandoning his slow supply wagons along the way. General Daniel Morgan hastily retreated north, meeting up with American General Nathaniel Greene, and they raced to get out of South Carolina, across North Carolina and into Virginia. Cornwallis regrouped and chased the Americans as fast as he could, discarding heavy equipment and supplies along the way. Cornwallis arrived at the Catawba River just two hours after the Americans had crossed, but a sudden storm made the river impassable, delaying the British pursuit. The British nearly overtook the Americans at the Yadkin River, but again rains flooded the river slowing the British. Now it was a mad dash to the Dan River. General Nathaniel Greene quickly got the Americans across before another flash flood blocked the British. British Commander Henry Clinton wrote: “Here the royal army was again stopped by a sudden rise of the waters, which had only just fallen (almost miraculously) to let the enemy over, who could not else have eluded Lord Cornwallis’ grasp, so close was he upon their rear.” General Washington wrote to William Gordon in March of 1781: “We have…abundant reasons to thank Providence for its many favorable interpositions in our behalf. It has at times been my only dependence, for all other resources seemed to have failed us.” Miracls in American History-32 Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer Having discarded his supplies in the chase, Cornwallis was ordered by British General Henry Clinton to move his 8,000 troops to a defensive position where the York River entered Chesapeake Bay, and there to wait for British ships. Providentially, Ben Franklin and Marquis de Lafayette had finally succeeded in their efforts to persuade French King Louis XVI to send ships and troops the help the Americans. French Admiral de Grasse left off fighting the British in the West Indies and sailed 24 ships to the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, where, in the Battle of the Virginia Capes, he drove off 19 British ships which were trying to evacuate Cornwallis’ men. De Grasse’s 3,000 French troops and General Rochambeau’s 6,000 French troops hurriedly joined General Lafayette’s division as they marched to help Washington trap Cornwallis against the sea. They joined the troops of Generals Benjamin Lincoln, Baron von Steuben, Modecai Gist, Henry Knox and John Peter Muhlenberg. Altogether, 17,000 French and American troops surrounded Cornwallis and forced him to surrender on OCTOBER 19, 1781. Yale President Ezra Stiles wrote, May 8, 1783: “Who but God could have ordained the critical arrival of the Gallic (French) fleet, so as to…assist…in the siege…of Yorktown?… Should we not…ascribe to a Supreme energy…the wise…generalship displayed by General Greene…leaving the…roving Cornwallis to pursue his helter-skelter ill fated march into Virginia… It is God who had raised up for us a…powerful ally…a chosen army and a naval force: who sent us a Rochambeau…to fight side by side with a Washington…in the…battle of Yorktown.” General Washington wrote October 20, 1781: “To diffuse the general Joy through every breast the General orders…Divine Service to be performed tomorrow in the several Brigades… Troops not on duty should universally attend with that gratitude of heart which the recognition of such astonishing Interposition of Providence demands.” On October 11, 1782, the Congress of the Confederation passed: “It being the indispensable duty of all nations…to offer up their supplications to Almighty God…the United States in Congress assembled…do hereby recommend it to the inhabitants of these states in general, to observe…the last Thursday…of November next, as a Day of Solemn Thanksgiving to God for all his mercies.” On September 3, 1783, the Revolutionary War officially ended with the Treaty of Paris, signed by Ben Franklin, John Adams, John Jay and David Hartley: “In the name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity. It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain…and of the United States of America, to forget all past misunderstandings and differences… Done at Paris, this third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.” George Washington wrote to General Nathanael Greene, February 6, 1783: “It will not be believed that such a force as Great Britain has employed for eight years in this country could be baffled in their plan of subjugating it by numbers infinitely less, composed of men oftentimes half starved; always in rags, without pay, and experiencing, at times, every species of distress which human nature is capable of undergoing.” Washington added in his Farewell Orders, November 2, 1783: “The singular interpositions of Providence in our feeble condition were such, as could scarcely escape the attention of the most unobserving; while the perseverance of the Armies of the United States, through almost every possible suffering and discouragement for the space of eight long years, was little short of a standing miracle.”
“This glorious revolution…is distinguished by so many marks of the Divine favor and interposition, that no doubt can remain of its being…supported in a manner so singular, and I may say miraculous, that when future ages shall read its history they will be tempted to consider a great part of it as fabulous.”
“There are instances of…an almost astonishing Providence in our favor; our success has staggered our enemies, and almost given faith to infidels; so that we may truly say it is not our own arm which has saved us. The hand of Heaven appears to have led us on to be, perhaps, humble instruments and means in the great Providential dispensation which is completing.”
“In the beginning of the Contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the divine protection.- Our prayers, Sir, were heard, & they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor.”
“The Citizens of these United States have every Reason for Praise and Gratitude to the God of their salvation… I do…appoint…the 11th day of December next (the day recommended by the Congress to all the States) to be religiously observed as a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, that all the people may then assemble to celebrate… that He hath been pleased to continue to us the Light of the Blessed Gospel… That we also offer up fervent supplications…to cause pure Religion and Virtue to flourish…and to fill the world with His glory.”
“In 1775, the Continental Congress proclaimed the first National Day of Prayer… In 1783, the Treaty of Paris officially ended the long, weary Revolutionary War during which a National Day of Prayer had been proclaimed every spring for eight years.”
The Journal of the U.S. House of Representatives recorded that on March 27, 1854, the 33rd Congress voted unanimously to print Rep. James Meacham’s report, which stated: “Down to the Revolution, every colony did sustain religion in some form. It was deemed peculiarly proper that the religion of liberty should be upheld by a free people… Had the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle.” For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Federer and