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September 11, 2014. Wow, it does not feel like it has been thirteen years since the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers, Pentagon, and aboard flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania. Most if not all of us can probably recall with great clarity, where we were on that fateful day in history. After the tragedy, so many people flew their United States flags showing signs of solidarity. People seldom fly those flags anymore. We have lost our sense of urgency and have begun to rest on our watch. The Lord says, “Stay on the lookout. Keep your senses on high alert at all times. Operate diligently with wisdom and discernment throughout each day.”

Shari Hardway Johnson of FGGAM posted these words on 9/11/13:

Prayers go up to the 911 families and friends today and for America as a whole who needs to remember what we as a nation stood for at our foundation and get back to it. I don’t want to see another attack on this nation. Pray for leadership, pray for Israel, pray that Christians will rise up from the ash and take back what liberalism and acceptance of wrong has deprived our nation of. The protection of Almighty and Sovereign God.

And the war goes on……..we have not been the same nation since 9/11:

Full Transcript of President Obama’s Address to The Nation

More here:

Hallelujah! There’s no calendar in Heaven… Remembering 911

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