It pains me to post this……my heart is so sad for my state and city. Another killing in Albuquerque……What is that? Four people shot in a week and and one of the killers committed suicide so that is five? Injured by gunfire were three women. The depraved mind, the darkness. Yesterday a home invader was shot and killed by an Albuquerque resident in the 3400 block of Wellesley NE, near Carlisle. Then comes the news last night that a women in Albuquerque had sex with dogs and then attempted to poison her roommates after they found out. I wish I was making this up, but I am not. What good does it do to bring it up? It shows the darkness in our society, the ‘natural mind’, it shows why we must be the light of Jesus Christ, it shows us that we must love on people and show them this Jesus we talk about. Yesterday I talked to two fathers whose sons are hooked on heroin. Heroin is an epidemic in New Mexico, my Doctor calls it, “a no morals drug”, they know no moral code. Unless we discuss these issues the battle will be lost, we cannot hide from them. It is time for the Body of Christ to have a’ come to Jesus meeting’. We just cannot keep doing the same thing. I was doing the news one night at KKIM radio when the late Chuck Colson said this on his program ‘Breakpoint’, “The American church has become just a High School pep rally” We have to start discussing the hard issues of life, killings, shootings, drug abuse, corruption, and I could go on and on. This Sunday at the Reserve, New Mexico Baptist Church I will be preaching on “The Natural Mind versus Intimacy with God”.
The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man: Blinded (2 Cor. 4:4) Depraved (Romans 1:28) Corrupt (1 Tim. 6:5) and Unspiritual (Col. 2:18)
The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not the things of God. The natural mind walks a path of hopelessness and self-destruction.
That is what we are dealing with, so let’s deal with it, let’s not hold another high school pep rally!
We are losing generation after generation to the darkness.
Over the last 2 weeks I have had the honor to visit with a half dozen Albuquerque Police Officers, they are tired, they are stressed, they are understaffed and under paid. Let us pray for these brave officers as they serve us.
It was D.L. Moody who said, “I thought when I became a Christian I had nothing to do but just lay my oars in the bottom of the boat and float along. But I soon found out I would have to go against the current!”
Amen! That is the world we live in!