America! Bless God!


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This CUP is overflowing……we have much news and information for you….but this CUP is spilling over…Lord Willing, more on Wednesday!

We are praising God for all of you! Isaac tells me that we had over 20,000 visits to FGGAM.ORG on Saturday! If you do not visit us at FGGAM.ORG, please do and find out why thousands are doing so each day! For God’s Glory Alone! The Lord has told us to be even more BOLD for HIM, watchman on the wall we are, that is our calling. Bringing you the news and inspiration you and yours need to know! God has done all this! praise Him, taken 30 plus volunteers and running it out of my man cave……only God! No fancy building needed here, only God’s Glory forever and ever! Amen! Thank you all for your love and support!

We are praying fort you all!

We are praying for this world we live in!

America! Bless God! I will say this until I am blue in the face! Return to God and His ways! Amen! Stop saying God Bless America! HE HAS ALREADY BLESSED US! WE NEED TO BLESS HIM!

Oh my Kelly Snelgrove posted this timely word today………….Amen Kelly! We love you and yours!

Public Domain CC0

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.

Psalm 62:5 Once again, Thank you Kelly! So very timely with the world we live in………..

My daddy used to say to add humor at the dinner table, “Lord, bless this mess!”…….well, we look at this world and what a mess we have made for future generations. I call upon Democrats and Republicans to stop the bickering, you are burying this country, return to God and His ways. Both parties are like pouring gas on the fire with no solutions, I have not heard one say, “We need to return to God.”

Read this post, I just do not share about Albuquerque Public Schools but also the feud between Democrats and Republicans which is getting this country nowhere, the worst President and Congress ever in the history of the United States of America. New Mexico also suffers from the same thing, no leadership on both sides to return to God and Biblical principles. Amen! Dewey Tan 2

  Please read and share:

Albuquerque Public Schools Keeps Doing The Same Stupid Things

We have a prayer need……….

Hi Dewey,

I ask that you keep me in prayer as I have to make big decisions as to
whether or not to apply for jobs, hold off and wait or stay put. My project and
position might end in 6 months and I’m really stressed about what to do.

Your prayers are appreciated!


We are praying Ken, we pray for God’s Will to be done in your life! In Jesus name, Amen!


Shari Hardway Johnson posted this today upon hearing the tragic news about Robin Williams………..

robinMy heart was broken for Robin Williams last night when I heard the news of his suicide. A man known for making us laugh, a comedic genius and yet couldn’t pull himself out of sadness. Suicide is no respecter of persons, be they rich or poor, young or old, elite or unknown. It’s a selfish death, in that those who love you are left to morn and self-blame and the very pain you wanted to stop you’ve now inflicted on those you loved. For the Christians there is always the question, “Were they saved?” And then there are those who callously comment that they couldn’t have been. I disagree.

Depression (for which I occasionally inwardly battle) and mental illness are not Band-Aid-able nor can you always medicate them away, although that sometimes works. It’s taken much too lightly by many who think it’s something you can just “get over” or it’s triggered by something else. I have no profound answers for anyone seeking a solution to understanding the why’s of suicide, I have only this…

If you contemplate suicide – Seek Christ

If you care take the suicidal – Seek Christ

If you are confused as to why it happened – Seek Christ

No that’s not all there is…that’s just a launching point. He has to take over from there because everyone is unique; but until you seek Him he cannot take you in the direction you need to go. Your questions may even go unanswered for a while, it may be a time of contemplation and healing, or even re-grouping. But seek Him first, then launch, not visa versa.

My friend ReAnn Ring posted on Facebook this morning the quote “One thing we know for sure … the Lord chases us all the way to our death and beyond. I love when He catches me … and doesn’t let go.”

He caught me in 1996. I guess that is why He makes His disciples “fishers of men,” or women as the case may be. I’m now the fisher, not the fished. Are you near my net? Did this post strike a chord in your heart?  Please take heart when I say “The Devil is a loser and a liar!” Turn a deaf ear to his tongue and seek Christ; it is in Him you’ll find life and a life worth living. It is in His people that you’ll find a physical hand attached to the Spiritual Hands. We are God’s ambassadors to the earth and our job is to allow you to see Him working through us.

If you’re struggling I urge you to find a good Bible believing Church near you and get hooked up! It’s not an instantaneous fix… remember… it’s the launch.

Hebrews 13:5b

… I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Read more here:

Coroner’s Office: Robin Williams Death Was Suicide By Asphyxiation

Please also read this story:

ISIS Flag Flying In London Torn Down By Nun

This is just outstanding by Dr. Joe Fawcett who writes for us here at FGGAM.ORG………….


Lying is an enormous issue for people, including Christians.  Lying does not give you the power to be well.  Lying will cause health problems because it’s an issue of the heart.  Lying places stress upon the heart and soul (the mind, emotion and will). Lying creates inflammation within your body. Lying destroys relationships, families, and nations.

When we think of the word “lying” we usually think of our politicians, government and of course attorneys.  We’re no different, though.  But, we can be and we should be.

“Thou shall not lie (bear false witness)” is one of the 10 commandments.  Even Bible believers have major problems with this commandment.  God can help you tell the truth in every situation, but you must rely on His Holy Spirit to enable you.  You must repent of any lie that pops out of your mouth and immediately humble yourself before the Lord, ask forgiveness from Him and the person(s) you lied to.  Don’t beat yourself up over it, because He forgives you and bids you to go about your day not to do it again.

Assess yourself…examine yourself in the Light of His Word.  Let the Holy Spirit show you any deceit that may be within you this moment or at any moment and then let Him purge you of it.

When someone, anyone, lies to you don’t let them walk away from it.  Immediately call them out on it with gentleness, firmness and love so that you can correct them and save them from grave danger.

If you need help taming your tongue, or as powerful reminders, read the following Scriptures:

  • “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. Genesis 3:4  – The first lie and the same one that permeates the world’s man-made religions.
  • Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another. Leviticus 19:11
  • I hate and abhor falsehood but I love your law. Psalm 119:163
  • The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful. Proverbs 12:22
  • The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked bring shame and disgrace. Proverbs 13:5
  • A truthful witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies. Proverbs 14:5
  • Arrogant lips are unsuited to a fool – how much worse lying lips to a ruler!  Proverbs 17:7
  • You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44
  • Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Acts 5:3
  • There is no one righteous, not even one …. Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. Rom. 3:10-13
  • Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29
  • Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices.  Colossians 3:9
  • Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 1 Timothy 4:2
  • Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. James 3:1
  • Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.  Revelation 22:15

How can you tell when someone is lying to you? 

There are some basic “physical giveaways” I’ve listed below, but more importantly it’s up to you to have spiritual discernment:  Holy Spirit guided discernment that comes through an intimate relationship with the Lord revealed through His Word.


Lying5If you cannot make eye contact with somebody while talking to them, you feel too bad saying it to their face.

If you notice somebody focusing on something else or a different object nearby, chances are that person is lying about what he or she is telling you.

Regardless of who they are…call them out on the lie.


When somebody is either standing or sitting in front of you and you suspect that he/she is lying, pay attention to the way in which they are speaking to you.

When somebody is too focused or appears to be interested in something else, the chances that they’re telling lies to just end the conversation with you is extremely high.

Pay attention to their body language and how they’re listening and talking to you.


Lying6Pay close attention to the person you’re speaking to. If that person displays a negative body language, the likelihood of that person putting all of their meaning and effort into the conversation is highly unlikely, and that person would have no issue in ending the sentence or conversation through lying, or saying what the person wants to say.

Having a negative posture while discussing is a great indicator that the person is telling a lie.  Don’t let them get away with it.


Liars are noticeably less cooperative than truth-tellers. If somebody seems to have to have zero interest or ‘pleasantness’, chances are they’ll be more likely to lie.

People who make negative statements towards whatever that topic is are more likely to lie their way to finishing a project or getting out of a situation.


Have you ever noticed when a person’s voice level changes, whether it’s volume or pitch?  When this happens, it could be a result of lying, which affects the nervous system, thereby raising and lowering the pitch in which that person is talking.


Lying3The size of the person’s pupils can be correlated with lying due to the nervous system, just like pitch and volume of speech is.

Look into the person’s eyes to see if their pupils have excessively dilated; it’s an extremely common phenomenon among liars.


Lying7If you think somebody is lying to you, ask the question again. Chances are if they’re lying, the person will make a mistake and tell you something different than the first time.

This can be tested by simply saying, “I’m sorry, but what did you tell me a few minutes earlier, I forgot?”

A simple question like this is not rude to ask, and can be used to determine if somebody lied to you earlier.


Moving around in a seat, tapping your pencil, or tapping your fingers; these are all examples of fidgeting that normal people occasionally do periodically. Whether its nerves, excitement, or anything else which results in the rapid movement of legs or arms or fingers, fidgeting is also correlated with lying.

If a person is lying, he or she may be moving or tapping unnecessarily while they are lying.

Look at what we are doing to our children! We must return to God! America Bless God! Thank you Pastor Paul Holt for this informative post:


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