A Piece of Heaven


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Please go to FGGAM.ORG if images are not showing,  www.fggam.org

Our prayer today is that we share heaven with you! Amen!

Please pray for FGGAM’s Rick Stambaugh he is not feeling well, blood pressure high!

Please pray for our doggy Buffy, a few complications from cancer meds.

We pray this day for all those in need!

We pray all this in Jesus name, Amen! heaven-jesus-father-holy-spirit

How are you this day?

We are busy trying not to do anything stupid!

Our goal, given to us by God is to give everyone a piece of heaven each day! As Pastor Mark Tross says to me all the time, “Give em’ heaven!”

We have been busy with breaking news. We are also writing our column for the Windom paper.  We have been asked why we were not on the radio today. KDAZ had to change our program to Tuesday this week, so we will be on the air tomorrow. We are thankful that you have an interest in our radio program! We are on the air Tuesday at 12:05pm MT on KDAZ AM730. You can also listen from our website by clicking on the AM730 banner! We give thanks to the folks at KDAZ for their support!

The response to what God is doing through FGGAM continues to increase, we are thankful for what He is doing. We are thankful for your support!

We are here to bring you the news and inspiration you need to know.

We are blessed to have Dr. Joe Fawcett in our lives here at FGGAM! I have known Dr. Joe for years and have had him on the radio with me many times. Dr. Joe has helped me become SUGAR FREE! DIABETES FREE! PRAISE GOD!! He will be on with me and Paul tomorrow talking about Ebola.  Dr. Joe posted this last week at FGGAM:

Bipolar Disorder

Thank you Dr. Joe!

What resulted is that we heard from a couple that read this and contacted Dr. Joe and then made an appointment with a Specialist and are also going to get Christian counseling. We  are so thankful for Dr. Joe in helping us fulfill what the Lord has given us to do, reaching the world for Jesus Christ one person at a time.

Also Dr. Joe posted this:


We have received many blessings from folks who have written about our post on Pastor Leonard and Diana Navarre.

Heaven Is For Real

Here is JUST SOME of what people said after reading the post, in our 17 years this is one of the most popular posts ever!

Robin Dickson Yes, all true. They are both so amazing. I love them both dearly

Candace Pickering Bell love the article and tribute . all true .

Angel Demastus Black WOW! Wonderful article and very, very true. Upon first meeting Leonard and Diana I knew there was something incredibly special about this couple. They both became mentors, teachers, friends and now for no other words that fit our relationship, they are considered a very real and important part of my family. My husband and I love them both unconditionally and totally, as do my children. Thank You Lord for sharing these two with the rest of the world, I thank You for them every single day. May Your love and blessings cover them always

Anita Adair Nelson That is awesome! They shared in a part of my life that lasts even today. Being in the ministry is hard and yet they still share and minister today. What great examples they are! Congratulations and Thank you!

Now I love what DeEtta Coe of Lapotre, Indiana writes………….

Good Morning Dewey,

Your writing about the movie you and Sharon watched, “Heaven is for Real” really got to me. I printed out what you wrote and cut out the part of your goal..to give each other and those around us a piece of heaven each day.

I’m am going to try and do the same.

On May 8th, we had to put Mom into Fountainview Nursing Home. Oh so difficult. She is 95 years old. Daddy has been gone 13 years.


As always,


Let us pray for DeEtta and Ken Coe as they look after DeEtta’s Mom. I know these folks very well as I worked for them at WCOE Radio for 5 years! Some of my best days in radio! Amen! Think of the struggle putting you Mom or Dad in a nursing home. I also knew DeEtta’s Dad, Floyd, My Grandpa Caraway’s first name is Floyd. DeEtta’s Dad was a wonderful man of God like my Grandpa Floyd. I also love what DeEtta says about showing people a piece of heaven everyday…..showing them the love of Jesus. Are you a walking Bible? Meaning do people see Jesus in you?

Here’s a quick note from FGGAM supporter Ben Lucero:

That’s awesome dewey me and my little family watched the movie last night as a well , here on our vacation in Florida.

We are praying for you and your family Be. We love you!

By the way people have asked us how they can purchase the DVD of ‘Heaven Is For Real’ We watched it on Netflix, it’s also at Amazon, Wal_Mart, and Target……..

Sonja in Arizona says……….

Just watched Heaven is for Real….loved it! Thanks for the recommendation.

Just great stuff for Jesus Christ! Amen! Please make sure and forward our post ‘Heaven Is For Real’

Speaking of giving a ‘piece of heaven’ my Angel wife Sharon wrote this to you………….

I am a member of a committee at my work that focuses on teaching staff ways to give patients a better experience while using our healthcare system. Our homework assignment was to discuss with to our own department staff about how to refrain from judging others. Then we were to send the committee our department’s list of so-called “Never Words”. Words our department staff agrees to never use in judgement of our patients or customers.

Here is my response to that assignment:

After long thought I decided that it is more productive to think of positive words and thoughts rather than negative ones, or “Never Words”. We spend so much of our lives concentrating on negative aspects. We remember the arguments and yelling more than the laughter and joy. We share stories of our aches, pains and injuries rather than how well and full of life we feel on good days. We lament about our heartaches, sorrow and what could have been, rather than the times of love, happiness and passion that we enjoyed. We dwell on our longing for what we want but do not have instead of the life that we have and what is front of us every day.

Instead of concentrating on words and phrases such as “frequent flyer, drug seeker, addict, difficult patient, angry person, hypochondriac, mentally ill, or worse…psycho, why not focus on the positive instead.

We all have a story to tell. Our baggage is no more important than another’s. Everyone wants to be heard, to be loved and to know they matter in some way. When we feel life has failed us that is when we turn drugs to numb the pain, to anger for never feeling loved, to a fantasy world for our escape and to the comfort of chronic illness to find refuge in a system that is built upon caring and compassion. We have turned into a society of negativity, wanting, taking, entitlement, and self-centeredness.

My answer to the assignment is no; I will not send in any “Never Words”. I will, instead, send in these words:


When we focus on the negative, we only attract more negativity. I choose to focus on the positive instead. These are the words I choose to concentrate on and pray that others will follow as well.

WOW BABY! What great words from Sharon! I Praise God for her!!!!!!!!!!!! Please copy this and send it out! Amen! Tell others about the ministry of FGGAM! Help God expand this ministry! Amen! POWERFUL MESSAGE BABE! DYNAMITE!!

Here is another strong message from Dawn Bridges! DYNAMITE! I so love all our writers at FGGAM.ORG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my last post, I mentioned my husband, Ron as being a grace man. He wasn’t always that way. Before I met him, he was a drinking, brawling guy. That was the way his family was, even back in the day, his grandmothers’ s male relatives were rowdy.

I met Ron in late 1982. We worked in the same building, me in the office upstairs, and him in the warehouse below. The boss thought it would be a good idea to show each working group what the other did to get a better idea of how the system worked. Ron came upstairs for training and no one wanted to train him so I said I would. ( They knew him as the rowdy guy.) This was the very first time I met him. He was handsome and strong and really funny! The training went well, he was smart, too!

A few days later, I asked a guy in the next office about him and he said, “Stay away from him. He’s wild.” Our paths kept crossing when we worked the same weekend shifts. Eventually, we got together.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

That is Ron’s favorite scripture and he lives it! He found Jesus in South Korea. As soon as he received Jesus he quit smoking and drinking and cursing. Not because he got saved, but because it was no longer who he was. He lost all desire to do those things. He had the revelation that he was now the son of the Creator of the Universe. A new creation!

Galatians 5:18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Strong’s Concordance (5485/5463) defines grace as: The divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; acceptable, favor, gift, joy, liberality, pleasure, thank (-s, worthy) and to be “cheer”ful, i.e. calmly happy or well-off, be glad, rejoice.

Thorndike Barnhart Comprehensive Desk Dictionary (1950′s) defines grace this way: 1) pleasing, agreeable quality 2) good will, favor 3) mercy; pardon 4)God’s free and undeserved favor to and love for mankind 5) The condition of being influenced and favored by God 9) virtue; merit; excellence. (6-8 omitted intentionally.)

I’ve known Ron for a long time and I know for a fact that he has never, ever turned from the Lord, but rather turned TO the Lord in all circumstances……good and terrible. He manifests all the fruit of the Spirit. He helps others even when he is worn out. He responds in love when others, even loved ones, reject him and are unkind. He listens hard for the Lord and He speaks to him even in the night hour as he sleeps. He washes us with the Word, sharing the things the Lord has revealed to him, and my favorite, he asks the Lord to see our hearts and for the wisdom to minister to us in those places. He is the best friend a person could hope for and a great encourager. He prays hard to not have to be in a position to hurt someone, but if anyone were to try to harm his loved ones, he is quite capable of ripping their arms off and beating them with them. He is a man of honor and integrity. He is kind and still very funny! He is a grace man and I am so thankful he is mine.

Because Ron got the revelation of who he is in Christ, so did I. You see, when you live under grace, you grow and mature into the full measure of the stature of who you are in Christ. (Ephesians 4:13) The letter (Law) kills, but the Spirit gives life. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) It doesn’t mean that we should break the law. It shouldn’t be in our hearts to break the law any more.

Thank you Dawn!


More Trouble For Bernalillo County New Mexico, When Will It End?

You Want A Leader? You Gotta Go To Texas

From the New York Times:

Good-Bye Albuquerque, Land of Violence

For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families


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