Friends of FGGAM: From Windom, Minnesota


davewindomHi, Dewey!

Congratulations on two years with For God’s Glory Alone Ministries! I honestly can’t believe it’s already two years. I recall sitting down with you in the Citizen office just a few weeks before you launched the ministry and I remember you being excited and unsure at the same time – kind of like walking in a pitch-black room not knowing for certain where you’re going until you see that light outlining a doorway. Needless to say, you not only found the “Light” but you walked right through the doorway into something that God had planned just for you and those who are working with you. I try to read The Cup each day, but I confess that sometimes deadlines preempt The Cup. Still, I try to catch up. It is a great spiritual lift each day. You are reaching people for God through your ministry. While I don’t know most of the people you share about in The Cup, I think I’ve gotten a feel for them. Certainly, I’m excited to read about current and former Windom area folks you write about, and I love your jottings about your hometown. I won’t find anyone who is more in step with his hometown – even though you’re a half a country away – than you, Dewey! Keep up the good work! Your rewards are waiting Above!

Dave Fjeld in Windom, Minnesota

Dave is a reporter for the Windom Citizen, my hometown newspaper in Windom, Minnesota.  Dave has been such an awesome supporter of FGGAM, by giving us the opportunity to write a devotional column in the Windom newspaper and also keeping the hometown folks appraised as to what is going on here at FGGAM. We are just very thankful for Dave’s love. This quote by Andrew Carnegie fits Dave: “No man becomes rich unless he enriches others.” Dave certainly has done that in all his years at the Windom newspaper by his writings, he has held so many people up to show the world what God has done and is doing! The Windom area is super blessed to have Dave! And then all the people said, AMEN!

If you would like to share with us on how FGGAM has touched your life, please send us an email, God Bless you.

A question for us all is………How is my life currently focused on a “greater cause”? How is it having a positive impact on others for Jesus Christ?

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