Friends of FGGAM: Heavenly Hap With Shari Hardway Johnson


As FGGAM approaches 2 years of service to our Lord we have asked people like you to share what impact FGGAM has had on your life for God’s Glory Alone! Today we hear from one of our writers Shari Hardway Johnson of Grantsville, West Virginia. She has become a strong prayer partner, a friendship that is aligned with God. She has been such a strong supporter of our efforts here at FGGAM, besides that her hubby is a Fireman! My hero’s! It is wonderful what God has done and is doing at FGGAM. I have written the daily blog, ‘Dewey’s Daily COP’ for 17 years and made Godly friends all over the world. Now with FGGAM, God has put us on a higher level, reaching thousands everyday for our Lord. I praise our Lord for all He is doing, I continue to be in constant AWE of GOD! Are you? Here’s what Shari has to share with us……….


A few years ago, in a social media search for other women Christian writers I happened upon the names of bloggers, vloggers and encouragers Shona Neff and Shonda Savage. Their encouragement has meant a great deal to me. As I followed their posts and interactions I discovered Dewey Moede, Pastor, Preacher, Radio personality and founder of For God’s Glory Alone Minsitries and began following him. It wasn’t long afterwards that our occasional social media comment blossomed into a full blown friendship that is as close to me as many of the friends I see every day in Calhoun County, WV, although Dewey and I have never met.

Some would say “that’s not possible,” but I would argue that in Christ all things are possible and it is He for Whom our friendship is based. I’m a firm believer that it was a divine happenstance in my life that God connected the dots between the States of New Mexico and West Virginia; much like the hap of Ruth in her very own book, chapter, verse 3:

Ruth 2:3

And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech.

Nothing “just” happens. It’s an orchestration of God that all the who’s, what’s and wherefores line up and an eternal destiny takes place. Of all the fields that Ruth could have gone to she just happened to land in the field of a man who was her kinsman, who would fall in love with her, marry her and provide for she and her mother-in-law as she could never imagine? No… it was her divine destiny that she might be grafted into the line of Christ.

I consider my lighting in the fields of Dewey Moede along that same line. God intended our meeting, it was not happenstance it was divine intervention else the friendship would not have grown in the manner it has. If you have a social media account then you understand the fickleness of such friendships. A wrong opinion about ketchup brands can get you deleted from a friends list in about 10 seconds, friend is a “loose” term. It takes more than the click of the “add friend” button to develop a friendship that will last an eternity and encourage and revive your soul.

It takes Heavenly Hap! Dewey is such a friend. We’ve rejoiced together, prayed together and wept together. Our soul’s knit and through the Lord we’ve encouraged one another in the journey home. Not long after our meeting Dewey asked me to be a guest blogger on FGGAM website and what an honor and privilege it’s been. Through that connection (that field) I’ve happened upon other workers, Rick Stambaugh for one. Another brother that I count as close a friend as any. He’s an exhorter along this road that I travel and it is without exaggeration that I say that he and Dewey have helped me to understand that friendships are more than just chance meetings. Life is the meet and greet before eternity where there is but one country, one state, one address.  Perhaps today is your hap. If so, welcome to the family, we’re always glad to welcome one more!


Have a Great, Christ Focused Day!
Shari HardwayJohnson in Grantsville, West Virginiasharisat


PS From Pastor Dewey: : I have to add that my Mom’s name is Ruth, and she not only had the name of the Bible’s Ruth, she walked her life. Thank you Lord for my Mom!

If you would like to share anything about FGGAM, please send us a note! God Bless you!


  1. I thank you Sister Shari for your kind words but as Pastor Dewey himself would say – All the Glory Is GOD’S!!!
    Pastor Dewey and I both treasure your friendship and to be able to work along with you in the glorification of our Lord!!!

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