The Daily Jot: Bulletin – Ebola outbreak Threatens Our Churches

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic persp
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 
Monday, Aug 4, 2014


Bulletin: Ebola outbreak threatens our churches

Ebola is a deadly virus with a two-day to three-week incubation period starting with sore throat, muscle pain, and headaches, and culminating with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding and the shut down of the liver and kidneys. It is acquired by contact with blood or bodily fluids of an infected animal such as monkeys, fruit bats and pigs. It can be spread from human to human through body fluids of an infected person, even by unclean instruments. Preventing the spread of the virus is best done by disinfection and cleanliness practices. There is no current treatment or vaccine for the Ebola virus and the mortality rate is 50-90%. This virus is threatening our churches and outreach in West Africa. Here’s why.

I received this report from Pastor William Agbeti, our ministry partner in Ghana: “An official of the Disease Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health (MOH), Mr. Michael Adjabeng, appeared on Ghana Television Friday to confirm that the MOH has documented the case of a bat caught in Accra with the ebola virus. The bat was found around Ghana’s 37 Military Hospital zone, which is home to thousands of bats. Bat meat is a delicacy amongst many tribes in Ghana; but the MOH is not worried about the consumption of the meat.  The health officials are most concerned about how the meat is handled before consumption.

“In a nation of some 25 million people with an illiteracy rate of 65%, coupled with very low standards of personal and public hygiene, it is feared that improper handling of the meat of these secondary carriers of the ebola virus can easily exacerbate an already precarious situation. The MOH has therefore placed the nation on red alert and has advised all citizens to wash their hands regularly with clean water and soap. Our ministry in Ghana has decided to join the national campaign by purchasing and carrying out the free distribution of plastic water containers, bowls, cups, detergents and hand sanitizers to the numerous rural families in villages within its areas of operation.
William has requested: “Would you please join us to reach these poor families with the free items as well as with our educational program on personal hygiene to help stop a possible outbreak of the ebola disease in Ghana?  We need your financial help to do so. One may ask: How does this development in West Africa affect Americans?  Remember, out of the 729 who have died as a result of the disease so far, three are Americans.  Also, remember there are thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the boarders into America with various diseases everyday.  Supporting us will go a long way to help stop the spread of the ebola virus from at least Ghana to other parts of the world.”

Please allow me to be blunt: As one of the few ministries that reach out to the very rural areas where the larger churches refuse to go. We can be very effective in providing these supplies that will protect the health of many villagers, including children who we have been assisting with food and clothing. This outreach will also bless the many people in the bush who are being pressured by the Muslims to convert, and provide an opportunity to share Christ. I am reminded of the words of Christ in Matthew 25:40, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Anything that the Lord puts on your heart to give would be greatly appreciated. It is better for us to send money because the supplies are readily available at discounted rates. Time is of the essence. Your gift can be contributed securely online by going to: Ebola Prevention Materials

Or by mail to:
The Daily Jot

5257 Buckeystown Pike #314

Frederick, Md 21704
Thank you in advace for you consideration.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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