American Minute with Bill Federer’I have witnessed…the workings…of that anti-Christ, Karl Marx… The Socialist virus…spread into every nation on the earth’ -Hoover |
![]() Herbert Hoover was born AUGUST 10, 1874.His Quaker mother taught Sunday School and spoke at Friend’s meetings before dying when he was ten.Hoover lived on an Indian Reservation in Oklahoma before moving to Oregon.
![]() He worked his way through Stanford University doing laundry, delivering papers and working for the U.S. Geological Survey. He became a world renowned engineer.
In World War I, at the request of the American Consul, Hoover helped 120,000 Americans stranded in Europe return home.
He served as Secretary of Commerce for Presidents Harding and Coolidge.
“(Harding) had another side which was not good. His political associates had been men of the type of Albert B. Fall (Teapot Dome Scandal)…Harry Daugherty (bootlegging scandal)…Charles Forbes (embezzled $225,000)… He enjoyed the company of these men (in) weekly White House poker parties…the play lasted most of the night… It irked me to see it in the White House.” In 1927, the Mississippi River flooded, leaving 1.5 million people displaced from their homes.
Get the book, PRAYERS AND PRESIDENTS-Inspiring Faith from Leaders of the Past In his Inaugural, March 4, 1929, President Herbert Hoover entreated: “Ill-considered remedies for our faults brings only penalties after them. But if we hold the faith of the men in our mighty past who created these ideals, we shall leave them heightened and strengthened for our children… I ask the help of Almighty God in this service to my country.”
Though implementing a volunteerism plan of aid through the States, political opposition tended to prolong recovery, thereby sabotaging his reelection.
“To enter upon a series of deep changes…would be to undermine and destroy our American system… No man who has not occupied my position in Washington can fully realize the constant battle which must be carried on against incompetence, corruption, tyranny of government expanded into business activities… Free speech does not live many hours after free industry and free commerce die.”
“Our Constitution…is based upon certain inalienable freedoms and protections which in no event the government may infringe… It does not require a lawyer to interpret those provisions. They are as clear as the Ten Commandments… Behind them is the conception which is the highest development of the Christian faith-the conception of individual freedom with brotherhood.”
“My own suggestion is that Iraq might be…the scene of resettlement of the Arabs from Palestine. This would clear Palestine completely for a large Jewish emigration and colonization. A suggestion of transfer of the Arab people of Palestine was made by the British Labor Party in December, 1944.”
At a reception for his 80th birthday in West Branch, IA, August 10, 1954, Herbert Hoover stated: “I have witnessed on the ground in 20 nations the workings of the philosophy of that anti-Christ, Karl Marx… I want to say something…not in the tones of Jeremiah but in the spirit of Saint Paul… Our Founding Fathers did not invent the priceless boon of individual freedom and respect for the dignity of men. That great gift to mankind sprang from the Creator and not from governments… Today the Socialist virus and poison gas generated by Karl Marx and Friedreich Engels have spread into every nation on the earth… Their dogma is absolute materialism which defies truth and religious faith…” Hoover continued: “A nation is strong or weak, it thrives or perishes upon what it believes to be true. If our youth are rightly instructed in the faith of our fathers…then our power will be stronger.”
Hoover concluded: “To this whole gamut of Socialist infections, I say to you…God has blessed us with…heritage. The great documents of that heritage are not from Karl Marx. They are from the Bible, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Within them alone can the safeguards of freedom survive.”
“If, by the grace of God, we stand steadfast in our great traditions through this time of stress, we shall insure that we and our sons and daughters shall see these fruits increased many fold.” For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Federer and