Okay, Lord


I have been reading Mark’s account this morning of Jesus feeding the 5,000. (Chapter 6:30-44) I remember a time about four years ago, Ron, Gabi, and I had just sat down for dinner. I had made tacos that night with one pound of hamburger. Our youngest daughter-in-law showed up with our granddaughter, Maddy, then three other young adult women that we had been ministering to showed up. I heard that still, small voice, “Invite them to eat.” Inside, I said, Lord, I only made one pound of burger, but okay, this is Your problem. I invited them to eat and everyone ate and ate and ate and you know what?! There were about TWO POUNDS of burger left in the pan when everyone was stuffed to the gills!!!! PRAISE JESUS! I want to encourage you to do as He says and leave the results to Him! Hear your Jesus saying to you now: IT’S ALL RIGHT. I AM HERE! DON’T BE AFRAID.


Never be afraid to do as He says. He will take care of things. I love you all in Christ Jesus our precious Savior. Have a glorious day!

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