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God Is At Work, Ready To Deliver You

Daily CupDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you to daughter Gretchen who got me the Daily CUP coffee mug! Remember now if the images do not show for you go to FGGAM.ORG! You know, it is very cool that your kid’s support what you do! All our kid’s have been supportive in on way or another of FGGAM! PTL!

“To see yourself as God sees you is the beginning of freedom.” Bekah Shae
“Is what you’re living for worth Christ dying for?” Leonard Ravenhill

WOW! Powerful quotes!

Is what you and I are doing worth Jesus dying for? WOW! Think about that! WOW!

Those quotes were sent to me by Dawn Bridges of Maine, a new writer for us here at FGGAM! Thank you dawn for coming aboard here at FGGAM!

Speaking of Maine, God seems to be drawing me to Maine, in a way that we are seeking the Lord to start a radio program there. I know I have shared with you about this before.  For the second time in less than a year Angel Murchison of Destiny Moments had me as her guest on her radio program that airs on WFST radio AM600 in Caribou. We will post the program when it get’s sent to us. Angel’s program reaches into Canada and New Hampshire. Last time I was on Angel said she heard from people all over the area! We praise God for that and that people are moved toward Jesus Christ! Amen! Please pray with us, as we seek the Lord’s direction on or radio program: “The World We Live In”


I met Milo and Santana Trujillo several years ago as Manager of KKIM Christian radio. They won free registration to the “Weekend To Remember” marriage conference. Santana shared their testimony live on my radio program one day. Milo was nearly killed several years ago in an auto wreck that left him paralyzed from the waist down. The story of Milo and Santana is very inspiring, it made me weep tears of our Lord. Through everything they have been through, they have grown so strong in our Lord, they are a shining light to all! I asked Milo if I could use this testimony here at FGGAM. He wrote this on his Facebook after returning from his brother’s wedding in Cancun. There is a message for us all in his post: 
What a Blessing to be able to go to Cancun, Mexico to go to my brother’s wedding. Cherished unforgettable moments Congratulations Juan and Mel..Once in a lifetime trip..The beautiful world that’s out there is incredible the turquoise water, all my family and friends that made the trip worth it… it was so cool.. Thanks..I finally realize how much of a box I’ve lived in here in Taos, NM for the past 15 years wasted my time drinking and parting , not exploring the beautiful world.. We will see more of His beauty again. For sure
People don’t waste time drinking and parting it so not worth it,, so much more to life than parting in the Monte and in someone’s house, how Boring ,Explore and live a good honest life the way our Heavenly Father has prepared for us…Not hurting others….Love is the greatest.. Be Blessed ….

Thank you for allowing us to share these words Milo. Thank you for your BOLDNESS in our LORD!

I once had encouraged Santana to write a book on the journey you both have been on. I pray that still takes place. In the meantime, I would be thankful if you would pray about sharing even more with our readers, as what you wrote here is a solid message the world needs to hear! God Bless you my brother, love you and Santana and your son. May God Bless you all forever and ever! Amen!

 After reading this story that we posted yesterday at FGGAM.ORG Shonda savage of Texas replied:

Shonda wrote: “I read this post yesterday and it is still resonating in me. Dewey Moede, there are many things I’ve been struggling with, BUT GOD is at work and delivering me. Though alcohol or drugs do not have me bound, I’ve allowed circumstances to keep me from enjoying life. This message convicted me that I’m wasting time and not enjoying the life God has for me.”

Yesterday here at FGGAM we received a shipment of resource materials from Charles Stanley’s Ministry. We thank the Lord for this relationship! We use these resources in our evangelism and counseling, reaching one person at a time for Jesus Christ, that one precious life! Amen!  I used them on my recent trip to the Midwest! Amen! Ministry is all about relationships, we are just so thankful for all our Godly relationships that enable us to do what we do for Jesus Christ! For God’s Glory Alone!

Thank you so much Shonda, we love you and yours and we are thankful for your writings here at FGGAM.ORG!

Our Thanks to Lew and Vickie Cannavale of Albuquerque for becoming the most recent member of the 25 for 12 club that supports FGGAM on a monthly basis. Would you please pray over becoming a donor?

Get the details on the front page of FGGAM.ORG……25 for 12 club.

It helps pay for our gasoline as we evangelize and counsel to our radio programming.

The cost of running this website  has gone up, as we have had to move to our own designated server, as we have been getting so many visits that we were disrupting the other websites we were sharing a server with. We are up to 20,000 visits some days! PTL!

We would be so ever grateful in our Lord for your support of our efforts.

It’s all about God.

One person at a time.

Thank you for your consideration, prayers and support!

For God’s Glory Alone, Pastor Dewey and Sharon

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