“If America Does Not Make A Change Soon, Our Country Will Be Lost”


Here’s just another reason President Obama needs to be impeached. Obama is so incompetent,  I would not let him run my lemonade stand. I do know that Harry and Nancy drink his kool-aid though…..You know how far America has fallen when people like Harry and Nancy can be in office. Obama has lost complete control of everything that matters. Yesterday I was talking to two Military Veterans that said in essence, “If America does not make a change soon, our country will be lost” I believe with my whole heart, if America does not turn back to God, we will continue to slip over the edge and that will be it for the America I love. These two Veterans are neither Republican or Democrat, they are AMERICANS, fed up with what both parties have done to the country they given their lives  to. It is a down right shame. The progressives are destroying America. Yesterday I saw a picture of Obama meeting with members of Congress on the Iraq war and he was smiling! What is there to smile about Mr. Obama? Now comes this report that Homeland Security has squandered billions: EDITORIAL: Homeland insecurity, squanders billions – Washington Times: wtim.es/1lECvYC

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