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Pro-Life Group Fights “Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted” Facebook Page

Pro-Life Ministry Project Wildfire Battles 
Atheist Group Facebook Page



Milwaukee, WI – May 20, 2014 |Christian News Service | — Cary Bogue, CEO of Project Wildfire and founder of the Facebook Page: Catholics & Protestants United Against Christian Discrimination, announced his intention to pressure Facebook to follow it’s guidelines against “Hate Speech Directed At A Religious Group.” Previously the page received National attention from the Christian Post , among others as they credited the effort for, at least temporarily, removing the original Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted (VMSA), albeit temporarily. Two days after taking down the page Facebook inexplicably restored it.


Yesterday Facebook notified Bogue that his complaint of August 8, 2013 against the PageVirgin Mary STILL Should’ve Been Aborted, had been revised and that page was taken down. The original page, which was reinstated by Facebook after an appeal, remains up.
“When I first got the email I thought they had reconsidered on the original page,” said Bogue.  “While it had about 2,300 fans it has a much smaller impact than Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted (VMSA). There is no logic in Facebook removing one without the other. A quick perusal of the page makes that obvious.”
As seen in the picture provided VMSA depicts an aborted child with a crown of thorns and blood running from his side, as the Virgin Mary holds him while smoking Marijuana. We had to literally edit the profile picture which depicts a pregnant Virgin Mary speaking an expletive.
“If this is not the exact definition of hate speech directed at a religion, I am not sure what is?” Bogue added.  “We all know Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is an avowed atheist, Pro-Abortion and a strong advocate for the LGBT, but that does not excuse him from continuing to allow this page to remain. It also does not excuse the apparent lack of integrity and bias this shows. I challenge him or anyone at Facebook to explain to the Christians across America how this isn’t hate speech directed against Christianity.”
Bogue, who has received death threats and had Facebook pages put up attacking him and his family by fans of VMSA, says he is unafraid.  “IExpect lots of nasty personal attacks and pages to be put up. But I am a Servant of Christ. So bring it on!”
“Remember the word that I said to you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:20)



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