1000 Days of Prayer
Prayer for May 6, 2014
990 Days Remaining
Dear Body of Christ:
Today, May 6 ,2016, marks the 990th day before the end of the current Presidential administration. We are asking for daily prayer until January 20, 2017. The following
are both praise and prayer concerns.
1. Supreme Court of the United States began its session today with the statement
“God save the United States and this honorable court,” as it has done from its inception. Two women who objected to prayer were in the courtroom to oppose that kind of pronouncement. Fifty-one years after disallowing prayer in schools, the Supreme Court has allowed public meetings to be opened in prayer – Christian prayer. We can’t image that our Founding Fathers would have been anything other than shocked to find that a court order was needed to pray.
Thank God for the opportunity for public officials to call on Jesus
at the opening of governmental sessions.
2. On the other hand, the National Defense Authorization Act (Homeland Security)allows for the indefinite retention of American citizens if they are deemed to be terrorists and pose a threat. Habeas Corpus is not a concept that concerns Americans these days. Habeas Corpus is simply the concept that no one can be retained without specific charges.
Until now a court order was required to continue to hold an arrested person. Every individual had the right to be charged with a specific violation or to be released.
In not hearing the case Hedges v. Obama, the Supreme Court has allowed Americans to be retained militarily if they are deemed a security threat. Americans can legally be snatched off the street and held without being charged and disallowed access to a lawyer. We have entered into what is being been called the “Post Constitution” era. The Obama administration fought hard to keep the law in place and succeeded in silencing all objections.
3. The reason this is of concern especially to Christians is that last October in what the military later deemed was a miss step, counter-intelligence agents were briefed onpotential terrorist groups. The list included evangelical Christians, members of the Tea Party and any soldier contributing to such organizations.
The President of the United States himself has given his word that military detention of American citizens will not occur. He has given his word.
Please pray for a National return to the Lord and to the rule of law.
1000 Days of Prayer Initiative
New Mexico Watchman
Jose and Miki Vasquez who also are Board Members of FGGAM!
to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.