“What is the difference between a Duck?”–author anonymous, by Karen Rowe March 22, 2014


There is a race set off in the world that has a pace all of its own, but there is another all of its own –“Thy will be done on earth (IN the Church) as it is in Heaven.”

There is a citizenship in Christ that evolves in a different way –and a light of Christ can be seen shining from upon a hill in the mist of troubles (Philippians 3:20, Psalm 138:7, Matthew 5:14).


I will get back to sharing my testimony from November soon –hopefully, you have been following along, but for Today, I woke up with this revelation on my mind to share –“What is the difference between a duck?”!

I hope this is a blessing to you that is from the LORD.


What is the attitudinal difference in a person when something goes terribly wrong?  …when illness strikes you on a personal level; or when disaster strikes out there in the world –whether in weather, business or personal … It all boils down to where your heart is and who is your God?

What is the difference in a man/woman or child …?  What is the difference in a Christian?  “What is the difference between a Duck?”

Who is Jesus to me matters –and then all matters are a matter of my heart sold out to God!

“What is the difference between a Duck?”  What is the difference in being under the armor, and in the Grace of God / Verses, being held down and under fear and frustration?


The difference is JESUS!


In the dictionary, we can learn that “There are two main types of loyalty that have been widely accepted within … ‘academic’ … circles:  attitudinal and behavioral loyalty.”

Pray for your own understanding; and Invite you that are [in the Church / Jesus] to share your knowledge as the Holy Spirit reveals God’s Word to you.  This is my puzzle piece of limited knowledge that I am sharing with you –if will so receive.


As for me, I believe that Attitude and Behavior is the difference between a duck.


  • In every challenge a person has the opportunity to go to God in prayer 1st!  Prayer first to find his or her graceful and positive attitude in Christ alone.  As Christians, we are enabled to do this according to being grounded in the LOVE of God that is in Christ Jesus –with a good horizon in sight that simply trusts God and walks in faith –with patience in situations; and with a patient and kind attitude toward ALL people.
  • OR, faced in the same kind of challenge, a person can react based on emotions and take up an “Anti-Christ Attitude/disposition” with an arrogant or hostile state of mind or disposition.   Dependence matters –Dependent on God?  Or depending on a different foundation / gravitational pull / motivation (perhaps money / control / power / authority / security in position???) 


“The difference between a duck” is the gravity that holds our feet and the ground that will not navigate, or gravitate away from LOVE!  

  • The LOVE of God that God’s Word commands us to walk in –Christ / God / The Word of God / the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Reference Scriptures (James 3:5-7, Also in your own reading look up:  James 3:13-18)


If you were honest with yourself and God, what kind of storm would be big enough in your life to really TEMPT you to react in emotion?  I believe that each day is an opportunity to recognize that we are weak, but God is strong.  I have heard people say that “God won’t put more on your than you can handle.”  However, I believe that God will allow whatever it takes to get us to our knees to KNOW the power that is in God’s LOVE -and know the power that is in our TRUST IN GOD!  I believe a more correct statement may be “God won’t give you anymore blessings than you can handle!”  Think about that -we have to be prepared for blessings; or else I really believe we could misuse them; and begin to rotten from being spoiled before we have learned the value in “The Fruit of the Spirit!”


Today, I encourage you to always take that moment to “be still and know God is God” –Not to deny the truth, but to ‘draw in the sand” To Act With God and not go out there alone like a winding tornado causing attitudinal and behavioral damage, but rather a beautiful reflection of God’s unconditional love.  What is the difference between a duck?”


“What is the difference between a Duck?”  WE ARE!  If we choose to BE!  Now, this is my interpretation of this essay, but I also hope to inspire you to think and reflect …

“Expect the Best, but be prepared for the worst”–as Jim Reynold’s taught us to say! … So, as situations arise, you will be able to stand strong in the storm, unmoved from your position in Christ to apply God’s Holy Word to your life.

James 3:5-7  New International Version (NIV)

Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, …”

Notice …“What is the difference between a Duck?”


The relative of reference lives in your heart -JESUS!  An attitude and behavior grounded in Pleasing and Honoring God!  OR, an attitude and behavior based on envy and selfish ambition.  Each day, we have an opportunity to exercise self-control, especially, until the power of the Holy Spirit settles our emotions to submit to God’s Holy Way to ALLOW  Jesus to reflect in our character –“What is the difference between a Duck?”   …  (Reference Romans 12:18)!


Then, we know we can also pray for others …

There is a race in the world to make money, gain fame, get ahead and become popular.  However, this race is bent on selfish ambition –and when disaster inevitably will strike, words in a consumed world may litter words like, “heads are going to roll!?”


I was speaking to my son about growing up.  In a quick view, I told him there are 3 basic ways people define who they are:

  1.  I am a child who is kind to others.
  2. I am good at something.
  3. I am popular.

Only one of these can be all three!  But if someone describes themselves as being popular, then everything happening around them will affect their Reputation –“a component of identity defined by others.” Many times these character descriptions can predestine a silent hidden need to have others beneath their feet to keep their value … and the fruit of either behavior can be seen by all.  We each have a choice to learn how to love each other.  “What is the difference between a duck?”


“What is the difference between a duck?”  Galatians 5:25 & James 3:17

  • “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” … Understanding that “the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
  • BUT NOTICE the difference:
    • James 3:16 “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.


Evident to a mature eye to see is the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) first to keep our own way straight and narrow and then also as evidence that someone needs prayer.   “What is the difference between a duck?”!  Will you pray for your shouting enemy?

“What is the difference between a Duck?” – When I first heard this “essay” and was dazzled and curious by the vague meaning, but Today I present this quote with Revelation knowledge from God –as far as it depends on me.


Today, to me, “What is the difference between a duck” means the person who will lay it all aside to honor God in their character reflection of following Jesus when it hurts!


According to the Bible, Following Jesus is described by:

  • Staying in step with the Holy Spirit –our strength, guidance, and understanding of LOVE; with our Trust in God alone …
  • Believing! –according to the Word of God, which tells us to remain in Jesus and He will remain in us.


Have we become too human to KNOW and Believe that we were Created and Made in the image of God, by God for a purpose in which we are called –to live “predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that we might be … (see Romans 8:29)?  What is the difference between a duck?


“What is the difference between a duck?” –To me means what is the difference JESUS makes in our character AS we remain in God’s LOVE … HE will remain in us …AS God IS Love!


For many years now, God has been teaching me about HIS love; and Today I am proud in Christ alone to submit to you that Life according to walking step by step in LOVE / In Christ is the difference … in the fragrant aroma of God’s Love; or in the opposing stench in an attitude.



The Scriptures for us indwell in our mind and heart Today are read from 1 John 4:16 & 1 Corinthians 13:4-8:


1 John 4:16 King James Version


“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”



What is this LOVE that we are commanded by God to dwell, walk, live and remain in?



1 Corinthians 13:4-8 New International Version (NIV)


4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.



My love and prayers are with you and may the Peace of the Lord be with you as well –I hope this was a blessing to your personal walk with God!  I know I am greatly blessed by what the Lord Jesus Christ does in me.


Exclaimer:  :)  This article was written with the intention to boost your Loyalty to Honoring and Pleasing God by encouraging you to remain in Christ!


Think of two things:  The Bible says pray together; and to choose obedient peace –as far as it depends on me.


Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe

Hope in Today Ministries Inc. www.hopeintoday.com

The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love

Next articleKelly’s Word For The Day~
Karen Rowe
Meet Karen: Hi, I am blessed, by God's good grace and because I know Jesus, I am blessed. I choose to be blessed, because I have a choice set before me and I refuse to look down. I trust God and I know and believe in the love God has for us. I have overcome difficulties; and I am blessed by the grace of God alone. If I have written about it, then I have felt the pain of it in some way, and to some degree. Did you know that Jesus has felt your pain? This is why I write. By God's grace I can identify; and tell you honestly, yes there is hope in anything and everything that you are facing today! Jesus is our Hope! He is the Truth, the Way and the Life. I am married a wonderful man, Robert Rowe; I love my husband and he loves me; and we have been married for 28 years. Together, we have been blessed with a wonderful daughter, named Amanda who is college now; and a wonderful son, named Daniel who is growing up well and soon to graduate elementary school. We work together and by God's grace we run our own business called PSI. We have a pastor over our ministry and over our business and also we depend on him for advise in our family. We have 2 dogs, 4 horses, 2 cats and love to spend time outdoors by the water and by campfires ... that is it seems when we can find time away from life's busy schedule. I love to write because it helps me learn more about God. And, I am driven by a passion from a love that God has put in my heart to share from my experiences and struggles, as I gain understanding in God’s Word to know how effective and powerful God is over our every situation! I share with you so you can know that you are not alone in your struggles. The same God who helps me and my family, is your help and shield as well! Life is not always easy, but it is possible –I like to share the difference that following Jesus makes in my life. And, I love to share God's patience and mercy and love that is with me! I am not perfect, but am experiencing God sanctify me through and through with every mistake I make; and yes, overcome in Christ! Life is not just about the successes; life on this earth is also about the troubles we overcome to discover what God has hidden in our faith to find! Troubles are more a challenge to grow in our faith ... It is not easy, but in the end the grace of God we discover is worth experiencing God in the midst. By Grace, I have discovered Jesus is Peace and He is my Joy and Wisdom from Heaven. God is our Provider and Healer and Creator, who is our help and shield over all things. By grace, I have experienced a nearness to God through my faith in His Son! We are well forgiven by God; and well blessed when we know and believe the love that God has for us. To say, "all is well with my soul" is a powerful knowledge to understand and experience. I sense God's desire for you to know His love for you and how deep His love for you is that He has SO loved you; God gave you His Son. God loves you right now just as you are! There is so much to learn! I believe that as we learn from God, we are God’s gift to each other. It is all God’s story –and for His glory; and God has SO loved us. I love to paint the vision that God has given me about a Father’s love –that God wants you to dream again and visualize His love for you! In God’s eyes, there’s more to life than we see; and in a world that sometimes misrepresents and misunderstands God and love; God wants you to have the courage to dream His dream and see His vision of a Father’s love for you! Many years ago, I prayed to God, “How can I tell a million people what I know about Your Son?” God showed me I had a gift of a ministry about God's Love; and He called it Hope in Today! I write to please God and I write to encourage you; and I write to spend quiet time with God. All because of this love that God has first shown me! I need Jesus –and my life is about my relationship with God. And, every blessing begins with Him! Love in Christ, Karen Rowe, Director Hope in Today Ministries, Inc. The Train Whistle, Sounding the Call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe For more information: Contact me by email: karen@hopeintoday.com or karen@thetrainwhistle.com to request your gift today. www.hopeintoday.com www.thetrainwhistle.com

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