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Let Us Pray: For The Families Of Downed Plane, Mudslide Victims And Families And Religious Freedom

Let us gather in prayer over all these situations, in Jesus name, Amen! prayersaturday

(Kuala Lumpur) — There are still no concrete answers about what caused Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 to go down in the southern Indian Ocean. … Malaysia’s prime minister was the first to announce Monday that there was no longer any hope of finding anyone alive. Relatives of Chinese passengers on board the doomed airliner expressed disbelief that the plane was actually lost, and some accused the Malaysian government of a cover-up.

(Oso, WA) — The death toll is rising in that massive mudslide in Washington state. .. Emergency crews continue to search the area for victims and survivors. The number of people missing is now up to 176. The slide happened Saturday on a rain-soaked hillside about 55 miles northeast of Seattle.

(Washington, DC) — The U.S. Supreme Court is going to hear arguments today in a case involving religious rights and Obamacare…. The owners of Hobby Lobby, say their religious beliefs prevent them from offering employees health insurance with free birth control. Obamacare healthplans cannot charge co-pays for birth control and other reproductive services. The court must decide if the religious objections have any merit. It must also decide whether the corporation itself or its owners can object.

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