Albuquerque’s Woes Grow: Crime And Loss Of Jobs


mayor Berry 4Let us pray over the City of Albuquerque, the home of FGGAM: You cannot have a thriving city and quality of life when you have high crime and continued job loss. Now you also have a city where many have lost confidence in it’s Police Department. You also cannot have abortion factories in your city and expect God to bless it. As Pastor Paul Holt and I discussed on our radio program, ‘The World We Live In’, this past Monday on KDAZ AM730, go to our media center and listen to this past weeks program. Mayor Berry really needs to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting with his Police force and cut out the cancer. The Mayor and the City Council not only have severe crime and another Police shooting death to concern themselves with, but as KOB TV reports Albuquerque continues to lose jobs, in fact the most in the nation in a 12 month report. KOB TV has the details:

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