What’s that I Smell Cooking?


We have always known that the government has secrets. So it wasn’t too much of a surprise when Edward Snowden released documents from the NSA disclosing some of those secrets. However, one issue our modern government has made very well-known is its desire to disarm the American citizens. From Dianne Feinstein reminding us that if she had it her way she would have an “old out ban” on guns.[1] Even to the point of the Attorney General Eric Holder instructing the media to use “brainwashing” tactics to influence Americans support an an anit-gun agenda.[2]

Recently Mayor John Tkazyik of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. announced that he was leaving Mayor Bloomberg’s MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) along with almost 50 other mayors when it became apparent that the main agenda of MAIG was the confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens.[3]

We have all heard the phrase “the proof is in the pudding” coming from an older adage of “the proof of the pudding is in the eating.”[4] Meaning that the proof of a good dish of a successful recipe is in the tasting. So as these types of articles on gun confiscation keep resurfacing it got me thinking, what is our government cooking?

Let’s look at some list of ingredients from our government and decide:

1995: Dianne Feinstein admits to a total gun ban[5]

1995: Eric Holder reveals his plans to use brainwashing tactics on gun confiscation[6]

2000: Project Megiddo distributed by the FBI classifies Christians as domestic terrorists[7]

2009: DHS defines Rightwing Extremism[8]

2012: DHS purchases 2,717 Armored Vehicles for US use

2012: Government agencies purchase over 1 billion rounds of “hollow point” ammo[9]

2013: DHS purchases “No Hesitation” targets[10]

2013: Eric Holder says using drones on US soil is legal and justifiable

2013: Does Army Consider Christians terror threat?[11]

2014: U.S. Postal Service announces ammo purchase[12]


This is just a quick list of some of the ingredients that our government is cooking up. The Bible instructs us not to fret about the decaying events of the world (Ps 37), however that does not mean we should ignore them either. As we, the church, stays encouraged, confident, and true to our testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ the Light of the Gospel will shine forth  (Ps 26:10).


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