Tea Party Turns 5 Years Old!


(Washington, DC)  —  There’s five candles on the Tea Party’s birthday cake today   ….  It has been five years since CNBC anchor Rick Santelli went on a rant that sparked the grassroots movement.  The Tea Party Patriots are hosting a fifth anniversary party in Washington, DC.  Expected to be among the revelers are Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.  Tea Party Patriots president and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin says in the next five years, the party is focusing on fiscal conservatism, confronting NSA surveillance and fighting to repeal Obamacare.  tea party


  1. NO it turned 6 in December.

    This article is mostly inaccurate but so many people have been fooled because all they watch is the MSM who does not tell the truth and will NOT cover certain activities… as was the case with the first tea party in 2007. That’s right 2007 NOT 2009.

    The tea party just had its 6th anniversary in Dec of 2013.

    TPP (and TPN, TPE, and TPU, theteaparty.net and teaparty.org) are all fake GOP PACs that hijacked the movement’s name in 2009. They had NOTHING to do with the formation of the ‘teaparty’ movement although they may have heard about it from Rick’s rant in 2009.

    Actually Rick Santelli was talking about us, since WE formed the tea party movement in protest of BUSH in 2007 and he was a follower. Who are ‘we’? Young libertarians who were fed up with people not addressing the issues before the 2008 election.

    And just to be clear, the KOCH BROS had nothing to do with it either. There was NO funding.

    So we staged the first tea party on Dec 16, 2007 by tossing boxes in the water as ‘tea’ with the names of the 4 main issues on them (Fed/IRS, illegal wars, personal freedoms, open borders).

    This is why Rick mentioned LAKE MICHIGAN as he had been following US. So the movement was already in full swing from Dec 16, 2007 as on that day we also held a huge rally in Fanueil Hall Boston.

    We then marched on DC in July of 2008 in favor of a constitutional revolution… about 20,000 people, and even FOX news would not cover the anti-war ‘right’.

    The tea party movement, the LEGIT ONE, therefore turned 6 this past December.

    Here’s the proof — many media outlets, video clips and articles and photos.



    Real tea parties do NOT collect money ($6M by TPP which went for GOP consultant salaries and nothing to tea parties) nor do they put up or endorse or give money to candidates as they are not a political party. Any group that does is not legit.

    Martin, Meckler, Kremer, Russo, Philips, Cefaratti and the religious right continue to scam people out of money.. don’t give them any.

    • Holy Cow! Didn’t know we could get you so upset with a birthday greeting! The research myself and our reporter Frank have is that the Tea Party is 5 years old, but hey, if we are wrong we are sorry, and all the same Happy Birthday Tea Party! One suggestion, don’t get so upset at things like a birthday party! Keep cool man!

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