Netanyahu Urges Greater Pressure On Iran


Merkel and Netanyahu (Israel GPO photograph)Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave a joint press conference at the conclusion of Merkel’s visit to the Jewish State on Tuesday afternoon, with both leaders praising the bi-lateral relationship. Netanyahu dedicated the bulk of his remarks to the confrontation with Iran over its renegade nuclear program. “The goal is to prevent Iran from having the capability to manufacture and deliver nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said. “I believe that means zero enrichment, zero centrifuges, zero plutonium, and of course an end to ICBM development. Because none of these elements – none of them – is necessary for developing civilian nuclear energy, which is what Iran has claimed that it wants.” Merkel’s remarks indicated a sharp disagreement with Israel on this point, as Berlin has already signaled it accepts a limited capability for Iran to enrichment uranium.  Read More  


  1. The Obama administration remains committed to appeasement masquerading as diplomacy. If sanctions are effective, tighter sanctions would advance our aims — even more effectively. Our national policy should be nothing short of forcing Iran to give up their nuclear ambitions, not to elicit worthless promises from a relentless exporter of terrorism.

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