Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Good Morning everyone! God Bless you and yours forever!
Please visit us at FGGAM.ORG   for more………..
It has been a very busy time here at FGGAM! Up since 3am, much work do be done for God’s Glory Alone!
Here at FGGAM we celebrate LIFE! We praise God for life! We stand in the gap for the sanctity of life! Amen! Join us in the celebrations happening all over our world today on the birth of child! Amen! We present to you this morning, Hailey Ashlynn who was born at 2pm yesterday in New York state. She is the daughter of Kayla and Eric Sebast. Proud Grandmother is FGGAM’s Dear Friend and Supporter Cathy Belanger. Congratulations Cathy babyto all, our prayers are with you all!
1 Samuel 1:27–28
“I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD.” (NIV)
Psalm 8:2
You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. (NLT)
Psalm 127:3
Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. (NLT)
CYFD 2A call to prayer my friends for the 4 month old baby girl in Albuquerque that was raped and beaten by her Mom’s boyfriend on late Friday.
This is a horrible, sinful crime that repeats and repeats itself in New Mexico. The baby suffered severe brain damage and is on life support at the University of New Mexico Hospital.
Elijah Fernandez is being held in jail for this heinous crime. Fernandez’s grandmother  stated that Fernandez and his girl friend, the baby’s Mom, regularly smoked “spice” an illegal drug synthesized to mimic the effects of marijuana.
The Albuquerque Journal reported this morning that the family had been reported to CYFD by medical staff  about previous problems, three times! Let us be in prayer for the baby girl.
When will this madness stop in New Mexico? It will take a change of heart’s, a heart for Jesus Christ, not more laws. CYFD is a complete failure, no doubt about it, enough is enough.
No matter who is Governor or in the Legislature,  CYFD has failed too many times that have resulted in tragic endings for the infants and children of this state. We, the citizens need to let our voices be heard in the Governor’s office and every State legislature that this incompetency needs to end.
Is common sense on vacation in this state? Abolish CYFD, start over, how can a failing agency be missed? There needs to be an interim plan before another news post like this. The body of Christ, The Church, needs to be in action and I propose replace CYFD. The Church needs to be the new CYFD! Amen!
We have our radio program today………..
Today on ‘The World We Live In’ radio program on KDAZ AM730 at 12:05pm MST, Paul and Dewey will discuss ‘Children in danger in New Mexico’ and the problems with CYFD. Why is the dysfunctional unit of government allowed to continue? What is the role you and I play in this? What is the role of the Church? Every citizen of New Mexico should be very concerned what is going on with God’s Children in the state of New Mexico.
You can also listen live on this web site by clicking on the ‘listen now’ icon of KDAZ AM730paul holtdewey cup
This from Darlene Quiring: We don’t work to get salvation, we work because we have salvation. You can rest in what He did, but don’t fall asleep! There’s work to be done!
Amen! Let me tell you about the greatest wife in the world! SHARON, even thou she was so sick in December and much of January, she worked her fingers to the bone to get all the FGGAM Ministry statements out to folks by the end of December, she did this while she was very sick. I need to point this out as a testimony, of how strong my wife is. She inspires me to “go at it” even when I do not feel good! Our friend and neighbor said to me awhile back, “Dewey, Sharon is a strong women.” Amen! Many ask her after her presentations, “Where do you get your strength and super attitude, what drug are you on?”” Sharon replies, “It’s the Lord.” Amen! 
Saturday night I traveled to Santa Fe to share my testimony with the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International! Wow what an exciting time! I thank Jose and Miki Vasquez for inviting me! I met so many wonderful people, so many came up to me afterwards! I got to meet Rudy Rodriguez who is the President of the group and is close friends with Annette Garcia and family of Son Broadcasting. Rudy had many stories to share with me on how Blackie Gonzales started KCHF TV and many other heart warming stories. Rudy also used to run a newspaper in Santa Fe and would print the KKIM Radio broadcast schedule every week, he remembers when Frank Donald Hall signed on KKIM. Just a super night in the Lord and I was the one blessed. Sharon had to work, so she could not come.
Here is just one of the emails I got from my visit:

we spoke the other evening at the FGBMI Pot Luck at Rudy Rodriguez's home in 
Santa Fe. It was great to meet you and hear your story -- radio has always 
fascinated me (both as a listener and the physical devices themselves) and I 
will certainly try to catch your broadcasts when possible.

Your testimony and background was taken to heart and I look forward to learning 
more about what you do through correspondence and your radio/internet shows.

Please have a wonderful day and stay in touch.


P.S. Thank you for the book - I 'ration' a chapter or two a day to make it last, 
but like all of Dr. Stanley's writings, it is very good.

I give Praise and Thanks to our Lord for what he is doing! WOW! I got another email from Sam's Father, thanking me for speaking life into him. It is not me it is God and the word's He gives me.......

Today on ‘The World We Live In’ radio program on KDAZ AM730 at 12:05pm MST, Paul and Dewey will discuss ‘Children in danger in New Mexico’ and the problems with CYFD. Why is the dysfunctional unit of government allowed to continue? What is the role you and I play in this? What is the role of the Church? Every citizen of New Mexico should be very concerned what is going on with God’s Children in the state of New Mexico.
You can also listen live on this web site by clicking on the ‘listen now’ icon of KDAZ AM730. Picture of my Brother Paul Holt.paul holt
My trip to the Supermarket: Luke 16:10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much
I just want to share this little simple lesson with you, yesterday I went shopping at our nearby supermarket that is a Smith’s store. I checked out, the cashier, a very friendly man scanned the 2 cases of bottle water and paper towels in the cart. When I got out to the car and started to unload the cart, I noticed the two small containers of blueberries and raspberries. I was sure they did not get scanned, thus I had not paid for them. Interesting how scripture comes right to your mind, whoever can be trusted in the small things……..I went back in right away and the cashier was SHOCKED that I returned to pay for them. It’s the small things folks, can you be trusted in the small things? When we cheat at the small things it eats away at our foundation and eventually the foundation cracks in several places. By doing the small things in a Godly way it increases our testimony to the world, our light shines brightly for Jesus Christ. 
huntingJay Kesler, longtime President of Youth For Christ and later President of Taylor University, once said, “Billy Graham’s greatest strength is his ability to intuitively go to the center of things. German Pastor Helmut Thielicke has written about the difference between the evangelist and the philosopher-teacher-pastor” Jay continued, ” Thielicke says the evangelist is like the man hunting stag. If you want to hunt stag, you can’t shoot at rabbits. If you shoot rabbits, you’ll never see a stag. In my mind, Billy Graham was no rabbit shooter. He was always going for the stag.”
Leaders must identify the essential goal and continually move toward it.  Billy learned well from his predecessor, Dwight L. Moody, who said, “Give me a man who says, “this one thing I do, not these fifty I dabble in.” Not that there are not times when leaders must multitask; it does mean simplifying the issue until the single ultimate objective is clear.
As someone put it, “If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.”
I pray this helps you reflect on your life. I pray that it will inspire you to pray to the Lord everyday for direction in your life, at home and at work. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus Christ.
This is taken from the book, The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham, please get it and read, you will be blessed!
Please pray for me and Sharon as we seek the Lord everyday in  direction for FGGAM. The Lord keeps telling us to bring His light to the world, one person at a time. One person at a time. We are focused on individuals, then the masses.
This past Friday I posted this at FGGAM.ORG………….
Pastor Paul and Josi Holt are celebrating 27 years of marriage today! PRAISE GOD! As many of you know they partner with myself and Sharon  here at FGGAM. We are so blessed to have them with us! Their light shines so bright for Jesus Christ! They Pastor the Baptist Church in Magdalena, New Mexico and also serve here at FGGAM. Sharon and I love you Paul and Jo so much! We are so thankful for you!
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
God joined a man and women together so that together they would mirror His image and Paul and Jo certainly do that! In Jesus name, Amen!
God designed marriage between a man and women as the first social institution.
I have learned much from my best friend Pastor Paul.
Here is a post from Pastor Paul on his Anniversary:
Paul and Jo weddingToday, I have been married for 27 years. Together, my wife Josi and I have survived raising three children that were an average of 18 months apart, life in Japan, Colorado and New Mexico. We have served together in ministry and so much more. Over the years we have learned a lot, and I wanted to share the 7 Tips for a Successful Marriage. These tips are by no means a complete list, but I thought you might benefit from a few of the things we got right.
1. Choose to Love. Love is a choice we make every day. More divorces are caused by statements such as, “We just fell out of love.” or “We just grew apart and didn’t have those ‘feelings’ anymore”. The problem we tend to have is that we confuse sexual attraction with true love. Love is certainly not an emotion, it is a choice to live by.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. -1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
2. Deny Yourself. If you want a successful marriage you must put the needs of your spouse above the needs of yourself, bottom line. There is no place for selfishness in a successful marriage. Yet, one of the more common sayings is, “I need room for me.” I will say that time away will help your marriage as long as it is healthy time away, but don’t over do it.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. -Philippians 2:3-4
3. Don’t Stay Angry. Some couples fuss and fight and others do not fight too much. Does this mean that one has a bad marriage and the other has a good one? Not necessarily. Everyone handles conflict differently. As long as you are not abusive to one another, you should work through your differences. For some shouting may be involved for others it is a more quiet affair of the back and forth discussion of the issues. However you strive together, remember that you should not end things being angry.
If you have not resolved your conflict, you should still find a way to go to bed without anger. Unresolved anger and disagreements only fester and leave a root of bitterness that can destroy a marriage.
Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Ephesians 4:26-27
4. Cut Divorce Out of Your Dictionary. When I proposed to my wife, I told her that divorce was not an option. This is a chosen frame of mind. If we enter into marriage with the understanding that divorce is not available except in adultery, we are forced to find a solution to the problem. Josi and I literally cut divorce out of our family dictionary. Years later when my oldest son was doing a homework project, he brought me the dictionary and asked why there was a hole. This was a great opportunity to explain our commitment to our children.
“For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.” -Malachi 2:16
5. Husbands Bless Your Wives. We overlook something so simple as a blessing. Husbands and wives have different roles in the marriage, but they are important components in the success of that marriage. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Jesus blessed his bride and spoke life into His church and husbands should do the same for their wives and their children. This is a straight forward thing to do. Lay your hands on your wife’s head and pray a blessing from the Lord on her. Also, declare your intention to remain faithful to her and ask the Lord to help you to fulfill your vow. The power of such an act cannot be over emphasized.
Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. -Luke 24:50-51
6. Choose Kind Words. This tip is sometimes easier said than done (or said). Choosing words of life that build up rather than tear down can dramatically effect the success of a marriage. This is a choice that we make on how to speak to our spouses.
A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger. -Proverbs 15:1
7. Pray and Worship Together. There is a saying, “The couple that prays together, stays together.” It is true. When we are equally yoked, as Jesus puts it, we can experience unity in marriage because we have unity in prayer and worship. This is an area that many couples struggle. If one spouse attends church and is involved in church activities, and the other is not, the marriage suffers. Division in one’s spiritual life extends to the rest of one’s life. Of course, this choice is better made at the beginning before marriage is even considered.
Couples who already agree in their faith should consider a regular time of prayer. They should also make a commitment to attend regular worship together and regular in-depth bible study to ensure spiritual maturity.
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?-2 Corintians 6:14
There you have it. Again, this list of tips is not exhaustive, but it is a starting point to build a more successful marriage.
May the Lord bless your marriage as you strive to live for Him.Paul and Josie
For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo, FGGAM Board and families

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